NM Stallion Range Antelope



My wife drew an antelope tag for Stallion Range Sept 9-10. Have any of you ever hunted there before? I'm surprised she drew with only 5 tags and looks like 1800+ applicants. Any tips or thoughts would be greatly appreciated since there will be no scouting allowed on the range. I'm sure some of you have been out there on oryx hunts as well. I'm gonna have to cut my archery elk hunt short in order to take her and I want to make sure I get her a good goat! Thanks in advance for the help...

there are lots of antelopes around there! big bucks also! I have been on Stallion range 3 time for oryx! always see when look for oryx, antelope are mostly in flat area while oryx are in the mountain area..u won't have problem find them!

good luck on ur elk hunt..


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