NM Sheep Tag



Credit Card got hit for a Bighorn Sheep Tag. Both my 14 year son and I applied. Don't know which one drew.
What a problem to have!!!!
Huge congrats, Nimroddy. I'm sure you're in for a hunt of a lifetime no matter who drew.
Just curious, resident or nonresident? First sheep hunt? That is an awesome tag. I lucked out and drew a California Bighorn tag in Idaho this year. It will be my first sheep hunt. Good luck.
I drew the sheep tag, not my son.
Non-res Pecos BHS-102.

But not bad for him...he drew a Valle Videl Bull Elk tag Oct 7-11
Congrats on the super tag , I work here in Santa Fe which is at the base of the Pecos. The sheep numbers are very strong and the chance of rams in the 180+ score are there .
Again congrats...
Congrats, on drawing that tag, I was out hiking in the wilderness last sat. and saw some good rams it should be a great hunt, email me with any help you might need to [email protected]
I live 30 min. away from the wilderness.
congrats again,nmbighorn
Congrats to ya. Found this guy up in the Pecos last week. -Raptor luckhttp://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/449aac9c56fee3f2.jpg
Anyone know how to post pics? I have some pics of a pecos ram taken last week that I'd like to share.
Here's Raptor's sheep pics.


I drew this tag several years ago. What a great tag to draw!!!!
I shot my ram at nearly 12,000 feet and called my wife on my cell phone from on top of the mountain to share the news. The country is beautiful and the sheep are almost tame. I have pictures and video of me feeding sheep sunflower seeds and power bars out of my hands. I did not use a guide but I hired a guy with horses to transport us in and out of the area.

PM me and I can provied details for your hunt if you are interested.
beautiful ram! did u go from Iron Gate? i wanna go backpackin but not sure when!

did u see any deer/ elk or bear?

keep it coming

Saw lots of elk, some deer, no bear. I pulled these pics off some video I took.
I'd say 166+/-. He isn't particularly heavy in the bases, and the long un-broomed horns won't help his 3rd quarter mass. Also, not much drop in the curl (above the jaw line) indicating a shorter length. Still a beauty of a ram, though.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-06 AT 04:32PM (MST)[p]Dwalton,
Thanks for the observation and comment. I've never had the chance to physically measure a ram. You mention the curl dropping below the jaw line....what are some other things to look for when field judging sheep? Also, what do you mean by un-broomed? Thanks for any input.

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