NM proposed regulations



NM is wanting to go to unlimited license for offrange Oryx. I personnally think that it will destroy the population on-range as well as off. Most off range occurs on the fence line - especially during on range hunts when they get pushed off range. I know that some landowners are pushing this but I also think that with the money some landowners are making off of selling tags that they could use that money to fix the fences the oryx tear down.

Everybody needs to voice their opion to the state in regards to the proposed regulations.

Think they could approach this differently.

Perhaps - increasing the off-range draw tags from 40 per month to 60.

What other ideas do you guys have?
I could not agree more. I posted under the general hunting help save NM Oryx. This is not a good thing. They did this to our Aoudad and now up here in the fourcorners area they are gone. i would hate to see this happen to the Oryx as well. I belong to the SFW (sportman's for fish and wildlife) and contacted the local rep and the state president last night and they are going to fight this as well. As 30 said we need EVERYONE to write the game and fish and tell them how we feel.
hell 30 this is Kevin I didn't know it was you. thanks for helping get the word out. Like I said talked to Tim last night from Alamagordo said he would contact R.J Kirpatrick to get some help.
I had posted this then later you posted under main page. Well hopefully we will get a lot of input from everyone to the state to get his changed.

I think all of this is a few wealthy landowners putting political pressure on the legislature. Which looking at Game & Fish commision minutes has been going on for some time. But I also think that the more people we get to respond the more the the public will get noticed.

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