NM Oryx


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-06 AT 03:06PM (MST)[p]Are there any of you NR's that want to give NM oryx a shot. It appears that Oryx hunts fall under the 12% outfitter pool. I would be happy to take an offer from folks interested in a guided hunt. Myself and one of my guided from Socorro love to hunt these animals and are willing to help out using my outfitter number and getting you your Oryx. THE APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FEB 4th. GOTTA HURRY!!!! Contact me ASAP at [email protected].
From page 16 of the NM proclimation, referring to the 12% outfitter quota, "The quota applies to all big game hunt drawings, except bighorn sheep, ibex and oryx."
I'll be #$%^&*, I called the dept in SF the other day to inquire as to why the stats broke out the allocation using the 12% pool and they said it was in the pool, huh. I guess I will call again in the AM and see what I get this time. Thanks much, good catch.......Jim
Jim lemme know, I applied alone but might have considered a guided app to increase odds, to late for this year but there is always next year.

Strictly from looking at the draw odds I would think there is no outfitter pool - but that is just a guess

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