NM Oryx (pic)



The Rhodes canyon hunt was pretty rough this year. There were only 46 taken on the first day. It rained from sunrise till about 2pm. We didn't see our first Oryx until about 3pm. Stalked this guy over a mile and took the shot with 7 minuets left of shooting light :). We didn't leave the range unit 8:30 that night. Talk about mud!!!!


Great job dude.. You forgot to mention the 400 yard shot...
Great job...

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-05 AT 09:12AM (MST)[p]Thanks Guys

Dan Lange(bruin) didn't get one on Saturday. I haven't talked with him since.

The bull measured 33 1/4" and 32 3/4". he wasn't the biggest boy on the block but we worked our butts off for him.

Did I mention the MUDD!!!!!! ;). hehe

It sux having to take the pic in back of the truck but we weren't allowed to take cameras into the range.


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