NM Oryx...INSANE!!!!!


Very Active Member
After all the NM smoke clears I drew a Oryx License in NM... the hunt code is ORX-1-106....super pumped I love hunting new stuff and never have really hunted the desert before.....whhhooo....hoooo!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-14 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]Congratulations Adwriter!
Those are beautiful animals!
You seem to be on a roll with those dagger horned animals! LOL
Good luck. Maybe another piece of art is already in the works!
Well well well!

So there is a God and he smiled upon you!

Congrats AW, you da man!

Ibex are certainly cool crittlers and a blast to hunt. They will take you to places that you would never go otherwise.

I think the fine Zekeman mispoke he is used to me punishing myself in the hieghts... It is Oryx....and they are the same as Gemsbuck...not sure if they are different strains....but one out there has my name on it....
Yes, I made a comprehension error.
My brain was thinking ibex but clearly you said oryx.
You'd think I'd know the difference (which I sure as Hell should) since I've hunted them both a couple times on two different continents!
Forgive an old dude who obviously misspoke. One of the things that should have tripped my brain is when LBH said "pointy horns" if not when your said ORYX! Lol

Ok, I'll start over; yahoo! An oryx hunt is awesome! They are cool, wary, fleet critters and they make a stunning trophy. The "gemsbuck" is one of the toughest trophies to anchor also. Tough animals for sure.
I know a couple guys who have hunted them State-side and said it's one of their top hunts.

There, I feel better now,
>aren't oryx the same as a
>gemsbok from africa not an

Good catch Mark!
I was just thinking that AdventureWriter would be clinging to life in the craggy heights again. (like he said)
Maybe I wasn't thinking at all. Should that be a surprise to anyone? LOL
Best to you lhrbull, and good luck on your Wyo moose draw. I'm pullin' for you.
>Ok, I'll start over; yahoo! An
>oryx hunt is awesome! They
>are cool, wary, fleet critters
>and they make a stunning
>trophy. The "gemsbuck" is one
>of the toughest trophies to
>anchor also. Tough animals for
>I know a couple guys who
>have hunted them State-side and
>said it's one of their
>top hunts.
>There, I feel better now,

Put one in the boiler room they will go down. I only got to eat some them twice. Dang good eating, better than beef. Congrats man good luck with your hunt.
>Put one in the boiler room
>they will go down. I
>only got to eat some
>them twice. Dang good eating,
>better than beef. Congrats man
>good luck with your hunt.
I'll assume since you've eaten them a couple times that you've shot a couple.
You've also probably noticed that if you shoot very far behind the shoulder (like most guys do on deer) that you are square in the guts. The boiler room is right on the shoulder.
Yes, the 2 I've shot went down with 1 shot each but they hardly went "right" down!
They are delicious for sure! You are correct again.

I guess the cows have longer Horns but the bulls have thicker adn a hbit less in length...I want a Big Bull....

I keep hearing three things...it is a cool memorable hunt...they are tough as a bucket of rusted nails and mighty tasty!!!!

My hunt is 11-14 to 11-16...thinking about trying to frame it with a OTC Barbary Sheep hunt.....
Here's A couple pics to wet your whistle.

One of my bulls from Africa. (of course there's a story but I'll save it for later)

Not all the bulls are shorter. Here's one my son shot and these horns are LOOOOONG.

You're going to have a ball AW!
I knew the Zekeman would get his senses back after his delusions about Ibex and craggy cliffs....;)

Awesome!!!!! Thsoe really look cool....I love the ridges on the horns...just a super cool animal...that one of your sons is as big as I have seen in all my looking on the internet...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-14 AT 05:11PM (MST)[p]Great bulls Z, Junior's is an absolute hammer! Them kids of yours sure do kill some super beasts; though, I guess you do pretty good as well for an old dude :)

I drew a premier for Rhodes Canyon portion in January (only took 16 damn years!), and one of our Rocky hunters from last season drew the same hunt. He's a super cool dude, so will be great to hunt with him again

Anyway, great pics, and congrats on the Stallion tag Ted!


Nice draw GW.
That's a long wait.
I hope you haven't forgotten how to tote a weapon given I only seem to hear about your guiding adventures.
Sounds like a great time, but that's a long time to think about it.
Congrats to all with golden tickets!
I am pretty sure if I was a animal Adam wanted to tag I would be writing my will... But Adam doesnt use gun or boy he jumps on em and breaks thier necks...;)
I put up a thread on Bowsite and a guy posted a picture of his Phodes Canyon Bull 40.5 inches and number 13 SCI Alltime...

I understand the Stallion and Rhodes Canyon have compareable numbers and trophy quality
Very nice pics Zeke. That has to be an amazing family memory!
I have a hunting friend who has killed dozens of fine trophy animals, but all the antlers and horns lay on the basement floor of his home. Some are even record book size, but very few of them are mounted, EXCEPT a beautiful bull Oryx, which graces the wall of his office.
Oryx are fine trophies indeed!
I gotta throw one out...again not New Mex. but they are just as awesome in Africa. I hope to hunt 'em again someday real soon. Good luck all.

LAST EDITED ON May-24-14 AT 06:57PM (MST)[p]Hey AW, you will have a blast! Here is one of each, NM and Namibian, just for you!

And what Zeke said about shooting them: verticle wire on the shoulder, horizontal even with the belly stripe, and they go right down. Behind the shoulder, better put on your walking shoes, because they don't ever stop!



Beauties..... Two Bulls I think ???? thicker and deeper ridges...did I get it right??? If you don't mind me asking how long way each trying to get as good a feeling on judging as I can...

ZEEEKE??? are you kidding me he promisied I would draw a Utah sheep and elk and I did'nt draw squat...don't listen to Zeke ;)
New Mexico oryx are a fun hunt, I just shot one in March on the Rhodes tag.

I personally think the shoot them behind the shoulder and you'll never get them is a bunch of over-hyped bullchit.

You can see the shot placement on mine, about a 50 yard run and it was rubber legs street and dead. Just like elk, deer, pronghorn, bears, etc. I looked at the lungs, and it was just slightly back from dead center through both of them. Used a 7 RM and 160 accubonds.


Theres a lot of info in that picture...
Looks like lung goober to me...

That looks like a good one....looks really long...they say the cows can be longer... This one is a hard one to call...bull or cow but eitgher way it would look awesome on my wall and plate. I am getting lot of different info on how may broken horns there are...some say 80 percent plus and some say 50 percent...what was your experince????. You have the most recent hunt I know of...
It was right through the lungs. I do think their lungs sit a bit more forward, but not to the extent that that most people claim. If you shoot them within 6-8 inches of the shoulder crease on a broadside shot, mid body, its over.

I never bothered to measure it myself, but the biologist (Gilbert) at the check station taped it at 38.5 on both horns. I never heard of a bigger one shot on that hunt. I'd say the average was 30-33 inches on the March hunt.

Broken horns were pretty common when hunting with crowds (hint).

Glass is your friend...they arent as easy to see as you'd think.

I glassed one herd the first full day of hunting that had 16 of them, only one of which was broken (about 10 inches of one horn). There were 9 bulls in that group, the biggest one probably 35 inches, the rest ranged from 30-33 (IMO, and limited experience).

I made a great stalk on that bunch (to about 150 yards), but jacked it up big-time when I couldnt sort out the biggest one. Once one spots you, its over.

I think if you find a bull thats 33+, or a cow 35+, I'd probably give it some serious thought.
Buzz thanks for the info...I have a thick skull...I was;'nt able to pick up the broken horn hint...maybe they are the easy to get at herds and have been picked over????
LAST EDITED ON May-31-14 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]AW, they are pretty much the same size, 38-39 inches. And you are correct on the sex, both bulls. The NM one has a cool little curve to one horn, too. I believe the WR came from White Sands, and it was a cow.

Buzz, I really am surprised, but whatever, your shot clearly worked! The kid I was paired with shot his right behind the shoulder and we chased it for miles and miles, it never slowed down. Then we saw it the next day, feeding like nothing was wrong, with holes in both sides, so I assume it hit nothing vital? Anyway, my impression was that they are tough buggers!

I also agree with Buzz on the glassing. We looked over numerous herds before we found a good bull. And the singles don't stand still but for a moment.

I used a .280 Remington in NM, and a 30-06 in Namibia.

40.5 inch Rhodes Canyon Bull
Adventure writer is a good hunter so ya'll try to give him some pointers on Stallion Range. I jumped this one out of a draw while I was stalking a different Oryx. He fell in his tracks and this is the exit hole, I was far below him. Good luck adventurewriter!
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
Thanks Flying Brass....that bull you have is the Holy Grail....not broken still has his ears (I understand that many of the Oryx don't have ears dues to frost bite) and big as a horned rodeo Bull!!!!

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