NM Oryx draw

I got charged lastnight or this am. My CC has the charge pending this am. I just dont't know who drew as there were 4 of us inthe draw.
Yes the draw for oryx was done yesterday afternoon , but the results have not been transfered from the university to the G&F for posting . The successful apps will possibly posted this afternoon , if not , than they will be done monday . Hopefully the turkey draw will be done today.NMHUNTNUTT
The results are wired back to G&F , in a sence they are emailed . I don't know what needs to be done as far as audits go or how they decide to post though , I know they don't just receive the results and post .
Clint, it is kinda confusing... it says 2005-2006 special hunts results....

I'm thinking the new results would say 2006-2007 results.... cause the hunts we applied for go into 2007...... make sense?

Good luck to ya and the younger ones!!
They reuse the same results page each year...I have had it saved as a "favorite" the last couple of years. Having access to this link means you will most likely see the results before they are posted/linked to the NMG&F website.
That is the correct link , but the results have not been loaded into it...
Thanks all

Has any more people been hit on there credit cards as I am still praying I see somthing but notta as of yet

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
Just looked again and seen 2 charges from New Mexico fish and game but I am guessing we did not draw as the charges are only $6 each is that what you would all think???

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
I'm in for a depredation hunt for this winter or next spring!!!!! Don't know when I will be going, but my cc has a pending charge for $153.00!!!

Unbelievable! I drew last year and it looks like my wife drew this year. $1,610 against the card today.
Congrads to you both I am still crossing my fingers I take it you both seen the cc charges and have not seen anything from New Mexico ???

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
Well they must be getting ready to post as when I checked a couple days ago it would bring up 05-06 results but now it wont bring up any results

I am shure we did not draw but I am still crossing my fingers

Clynt L Citte
Willard Ut
I drew out for my first choice, March of next year!! Have to wait a year, but it will be worth it!! This will be my first time hunting oryx.

The wife and I drew "Valentines Day Hunt" Feb. 17-18 on the Stallion Range!! Should be a blast.
No luck for me. Oh well I will get to go anyway. My wife drew the march Rhodes Canyon hunt and my dad and brother both drew the Sept 16-17 Stallion range hunt.
The hunting gods have shined on me again. I drew a depredation but have a high number (347) so the odds are not good for a call.

But......my two boys drew their once in a lifetime on the stallion range for September 16-17. I'm still on cloud nine. Grandpa has already been called an he's in. Thanks New Mexico.

I just checked the results, we drew Rhodes canyon for March 3-4, it's better to be lucky than good!This should be fun!!
Boy am I in the dog house. I called the wife to tell her the good news and she was excited as all get out. When the results came up, I was drawn for a depredation hunt and she got zip. I'm sure she'll calm down in a couple years. Took me three years to draw a once in a lifetime tag and one try for a depredation tag.
Nontypical 234,

I have been applying for appx. 12 years. This is the first time that I have put in with anyone. My wife and I drew Stallion Range Feb Hunt

I drew my once in a lifetime the first time I put in but I have been 0 for 4 since then for off range go figure....
well i can hardly believe it I drew the first time I put in. i will be in rhodes canyon in december!!! I can hardly wait
Well Like I thought no luck but let me let you all know if you end up not being able to get someone to go at a last min and need someone I will be there LOL but really I would, I envy you all with tags I drew mine first time for Stallion Range but wife and daughter have been 3 years no tag

What is the dep tag like is there much of a chance finding a place and any game??? and can would I be able to apply as I drew the white sands already???

And really if anyone needs someone to go with PLEASE let me know

Clynt L Citte
Willard Ut
Me and my buddy also drew the Feb. 17-18 Stallion range tag. Only 11 months to wait.

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