NM Oryx depradation draw



I drew #94 and was wondering if anybody on here has a higher number. The web site shows that as of May 9th, 10 have been called.

I wish they would update the site more often.
The number of hunters called will be slow over the summer months and pick back up in the fall. I was 176 last year and didn't go until the middle of December. Don't hesitate to call the Depredation Coordinator and ask what number they're on.
I drew number 40 on the depredation hunt and have not been called. I work on Range and spoke to a conservation officer and he said that I probably won't be called until later in the year. They're calling far fewer people on the standard depredation hunt because of the new WSMR Badge Holders Depredation hunt.

Good Luck when you do get called.
Can you do the depredation hunt if you previously drew a WSMR hunt in the regular drawing?
Yes. Hunts on the range are considered once-in-a-lifetime, but those hunts classified as depredation or population reduction are not.

I've drawn twice in four years and harvested two trophies (not the once-in-a-lifetime hunt), I've set the bar to kill a monster if I ever get drawn for that one.

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