NM = NOPE !!!!!



well not this year I guess. last year the draw odds were 6% for the M.I. antelope tag I drew and 29% for the M.I. elk tag I did not draw. this year the draw odds were 27% for the M.I. antelope tag I did NOT draw and 11% for the M.I. elk tag I did draw ! go figure huh ? I giess draw odds can always be wrong as well ? anywho I did NOT draw my new mexico M.I. antelope tag this year. and I had a couple toads really picked out because I missed them last year- ha ha ha ! at least my son and I drew our general MULE DEER hunt and I somehow pulled a M.I. MUZZLELOADER bull elk tag. don't ask me how, both 1st choices too. well now I can look around for a couple of landowners vouchers for me and my son to maybe come over to new mexico 3 times this year. congrats to all who drew, condolences to those who did not.

Proud White Man !!!!!

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