NM McGregor Range Antelope



Has anyone ever hunted this area in Southern NM? I think it is area 28. I can't apply this year, but can always plan for the future. Season looks short (2 days) just like most other hunts in NM. Last year there were some military only deer tags for the area too, but I see that they disappeared for '05. Any info would be appreciated. Semper Fi, ND hunter.
It's been about 10 years since I've been down there. Back then, there were some incredible bucks in that area. We never scored on any of the real big ones, but did see a couple of 17 inchers come out of there. I also saw a lot of really nice desert muleys (150 to 160) when I was hunting antelope. But, there has been quite a drought since then, and there's no telling what it's done to the population of either one.

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