NM Loper pix

  • Thread starter crazyaboutcoues
  • Start date


Here's a couple goats we took this last weekend. I'll post the pix of the other goats when I get them.


Congratulations on your success! What kind of "trees?" are those shown in the bottom picture?

Those are Yuccas, it's NM states flower. In our part of the country they come in real handy when trying to get close.
Nice bucks! Yeah, it was myself, my dad(driving) and my cousin. I was the one doing the hunting.

Actually, when you guys were stalking the buck on the top pick. My dad and cousin were glassing from the gate and were then joined by my brother and Clyde Montes. I went down about 1/4 mile on the west side of the road you guys had just came back up from(across the west gate of the north pasture); I got down behind a clump of yuccas and was glassing in case they spooked my way. I heard three shots, and you confirmed three. I could not see you guys at all, only the antelope. I saw the does stand right before the first shot. After the first shot I saw the buck walk out of from where he was bedding, then I lost sight of him. I guess thats when he went down.

What about the buck on the second pic?? Pretty unusual! Where did you guys find him?

I took mine not even a half hour after I saw you guys. Pre-season we'd been seeing him right off the county road quite a bit and also in the north pasture close to the first water tank off the west gate. And sure enough he was there again when we went in.

I heard that Sunday the hunting was real slow on McCauleys.

Nice Pics!
We took that unusual buck that morning around 8:00am just South of partnership tank. He was with 18 does. My hunter liked his look so he dropped the hammer on him. He won't score much but still a cool looking buck. Did you see Wayne's buck that he took with a bow? Now that's a freak. I'll try to post it here.

Good to hear you got your chance that afternoon. It was just a matter of time. We saw another good buck just before dark of the county road on the way back to cow springs. That place is loaded with good bucks.
That is an AWESOME goat!! The prongs are huge on that thing. I would love to shoot a buck with that type of horn configuration. Congrats to that lucky hunter. What did he score???
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-04 AT 10:41PM (MST)[p]Hey Eddy thanks for mailing me those pictures. They came out real nice. Glad to hear both you and your brother had a good hunt. I have not got the archery buck scored yet. He looks bigger than he is just becuase he is so wide like a lot of these bucks here tend to be. I think he might go 80. I was after this 17.5 in buck that a client of mine shot during the rifle hunt. I just never could get within bowrange to him. I will try to post a picture below. We got this kill on film at 70 yards. He pushed some does right to us. Made a real nice video. He had a broken prong on his left side but should still gross around 86 points.

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