NM Ibex

Trad Bow 1979

Active Member
Has anyone hunted the NM Ibex? I am a NM resident so I am gonna do some scouting. Is there a peak or portion of the mountain range that they gravitate to? There does not seem to be any public access roads. Good places to camp? Thanks!
Actually plenty of good access. One of the easier places to get to is Mahoney Park Road not to many miles due south of Deming. You can take Mahoney up to the old Ranch House. Last mile is a bit interesting but not bad. From there you got descent access to Gym Peak and South Peak as well as Florida Peak and a few others in the general area. Always ibex around there.
I had a muzz tag last year awesome hunt. Mahoney park is a good area. Heck so are all the areas of the rock. There are lots of animals and we really had very little time when we did not see Ibex. Seriously you can find Ibex on any part of it and I don't think any part is better then others. The slowest we had was on the East side, but were in contact with people that were into lots of them there. I shot mine more towards Dragon peak(I think the name is correct) I think it is a big help to have a spotter below. Go in decent shape, be able to shoot and there is no reason to not fill your tag
I'm sure you've heard by now that they slaughtered more than half the herd after the muzzy hunt. I've heard somewhere around 420 animals were killed that they know of, who knows how many wounded or poached that were never recovered.

Having said that, I'm sure if you work hard and get some scouting in, you can find a big billy and get the job done. I saw a monster of a goat during my muzzy hunt, didn't get him but ended up with a nice 40" billy.

Like has been said already, you can find goats pretty much wherever, we hunted the very tops, but due to the high winds the animals had dropped to 3/4 or ever 1/2 mountain. We simply changed our gameplan and followed them down the hill.

Good luck. Hope you smash a big one.
I drew the muzz tag this year and would love to hear how you do on your hunt. I have been gathering a lot of info on the unit and the hunt. It sounds like were in for a great hunt. Are you going to make any scouting trips prior to your hunt?

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