NM hunting rule changes


Active Member
I don't know what is happening! the end of the world as we know it must be coming to an end! there are rules changes that actually make sense! For example changing the shooting hours to ? hour after sunset, making Barbary sheep drawn licenses valid for the over the counter state wide units, lettin you use a cross bow during a rifle or muzzleloader hunt. There are some dumb ones but for the most part it seems like there was some actual thinking going on! you NM folks should check them out and try and make a meeting.

but our drawing system still sucks so who friggin cares! I just applied for my 23rd straight rejection on antelope. What other state in the lower 50 can you apply for antelope 23 years straight and get a rejection letter every single time? NM SUCKS!

23 years of applying and I have drawn 1 oryx tag, 1 elk tag, and a barbary sheep tag last year. No deer since they went to a draw, no antelope, no javelina, no ibex, and no special turkey or pheasant draws. NM has a long ways to go.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I hear ya. it took me 13 years to finally draw a bow antelope tag. i am really hopefull that with requiring a fee up front that it will be easier to draw. maybe it will keep some of those greeny hippies from applying just to throw a tag in the garbage. Good luck to you this year. and arizona is just about as bad or worse to draw for. at least NM doesn't requrie you to buy a hunting licence just to apply!
Stinky, It took Me 34 Years to draw Antelope in My home State of Arizona !
Thanks guys. Its nice to know that I'm not the only looser sick of not drawing a tag. I wish states would follow suit with idaho and make it so that nr's can only apply for one species, kinda like utah used to do. I think that's just a good idea.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
i liked that idea that NM had and got rid of that if you drew a quality or high demand elk/deer or a antelope tag couldn't apply the next year. i have always wished that they would do preference points too.
well nm did away with that rule. It appears that the 1% who are actually lucky enough to draw antelope tags ever 5 years or so threw a fit and screamed loud enough that the comission listened and quit the system all together. The problem with it was that bow deer tags were all listed as quality and that rule severely impacted the archers which makes since. however a 5 yr ban on antelope would almost insure that everyone would be hunting antelope at lesast every 5 years. awesome Idea if NM would just decide everyone needs to have the opportunity to hunt. I mean, where other than NM does it take more than 5 years to draw a general season deer tag. I grew up hunting those general units as a kid shooting spikes and fork horns and had a blast. Now it takes me 5 friggin years to go hunt a forkie????

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
ya i know that was stupid! but our game and fish don't have any balls to stand up to the people that don't know any better and do whats right. hence them finally admitting that unit 34 along with a couple others are considered a sacrifice unit for deer to appease the whiners that want to go hunting. to hell if they don't see any deer.
Stinky, NO one can beat this. 44 years of UNsuccesful notices from the left coast of Kalifornicated!! Speedgoat is the game, and no luck is the name. The draw system was implemented 46 years ago when I was 10 years? Signed....one pathetic loser.
"44 years of UNsuccesful notices from the left coast of Kalifornicated!! Speedgoat is the game, and no luck is the name"

I think you have every right for sympathy! I would just go hunt Wyoming every year....

I had no idea it was that hard for residents to get a deer tag... Pathetic
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-10 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-10 AT 02:15?PM (MST)

Hi Stinky, I'm just posting this to stir the pot. LOL. I'm a NR. My 1st ever Big Game hunt out West, hunted with USO on private land with LO tag and then I drew 5 tags in 4 years.

2004: Unit 55: Rifle Elk Cottonwood Ranch: 6x6 guess around 300"
I was done 10 minutes into the hunt, biggest elk
killed on their private ranches that year.
2005: Unit 49: Archery Elk:(0)had chances, no idea what I was
2006: Unit 52: Archery Elk 2nd season:(0)choked on 5x5
satellite around 260" @ 35 yards.
2007: Unit 2B: Muzzle Loader Deer: SCI scored 190 5/8".
Done opening morning @ 8:30 am.
2008: Unit 2B: Muzzle Loader Deer:(0)hunted last 3 days, only
seen 1 legal deer on a dead run.
Unit 4: Rifle Elk 1st season Sargents: 5x5 guess around
240" on last morning. Pass on bigger bull that
was shot opening morning they said it scored
around 310" Oh, first time I drew for this tag.
2009: (0)
2010: (0) Didn't draw couldn't afford it.

My record stands:
2 for 4 Elk: 50%
1 for 2 Deer: 50%

Now I'm fully aware I will never draw a tag again in NM as long as I live, but it was great while it lasted.

Good luck to you and yours next year.

Joe E Sikora
Joe good for you. At least I know those tags are actually being given out. I was starting to wonder. I was going to put myself in for a cow tag this year so I could enjoy an easy hunt close to home and the odds on all the cow tags local to me were well under 10%! Our new system of 1st 2nd 3rd choice all count the same is wrong. Lets limit it to one choice so the guys who give up on bull tags can at least apply for and get a cow tag.

I'm also totally blown away by californias 44 year wait for antelope. I'm sorry to whine when there's someone out there worse off than me. If you will quit applying in 20 years I will have caught you. ROFL.

Someone also asked if I ever quit whining. UUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH NO!
I get on here to whine, piss people off, and be an all around douch bag. I just find it comical to be a jerk/whiner/douche. You should try it. It will relieve a lot of tension you have. lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Your thread title is misleading KimberSig... I thought NM may have passed some new illegal immigration laws like Arizona...!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Yeah they should ban all of us and let the residents foot all of the wildlife departments budget. That way we can hear all of you ##### about the fee increases.
While we're at it what if we take all the non-residents federal tax dollars New Mexico gets and divide it among the other 49 states? That $2.03 NM receives for every $1 in federal tax paid by NM residents could help build that bridge to nowhere.
The exact opposite we've (Virginia) got a much smaller budget for wildlife than NM or most any western state so all of you need to come to Virginia for a little fishing! We've also seen a remarkable increase in the black bear population the last several years.
Yes! Great idea!! New Mexico should ban all Non-Residents AND all the other States should Ban New Mexico hunters!!

That would be a fair swap i'd say!

Joey, I know what your trying to say, but, I think we would be ahead of the game.

Not to many New Mexicans are traveling west to hunt in KA this year.

We all got to admit Non Res tag $ pay some of the bills.
My son & I are in for several hunts in New Mexico this year.
I'm looking forward to some of that "local hospitality".

Ya what paul said. no one should get too worked up about this. we all look for someone to blame for not drawing. its nothing personal. our states budget would really suck if we didn't get to rape non residents on licence fees! LOL!!! same with every other state that rapes us when we put in. can't we all just get along! :)
Thanks guys.
They are long shots at best.
I put the kid in for those youth elk hunts, muzz in 17, muzz in 13 & that youth early rifle in 34.
Deer I put him in for 4 late, 5b late & 2c late.
I'm in for thopse tough to get archery elk hunts.
I'd like to see my kid get a tag most of all, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Why the heck do we care what tags the NR's put in for. The way the law is setup we don't even compete for the same tags. That's the way I look at it. However, ibex and bihorn sheep seem to go to mostly NR's every year. That shiz needs to stop. That's BS and we need to apply the NR cap there as well. Has anyone looked at the desert sheep odds? It appears that 95% of the time that one tag goes to a NR. That one should be limited to residents only until we start giving out more tags. Like I said before. This state sucks.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
thats the part i am talking about. bighorn and ibex is BS they need to limit it to one or two NR for the state for those bighorn tags and put a quota on ibex. the other states limit the NR bighorn tags why don't we? oh because of $$$$$$$$$$
NMPaul, the Statement that i responded to was "to bad they don't ban non residents."

With non-residents being the key words. There was no mention of Caili hunters but you were quick to spin it towards Ca.... By the way i didn't try to say, i said it!

IMO, To those wishing no "non-residents"; keep your hunting to yourselves, fine, then stay out of the other states...it's only right!

Or, maybe you would prefer to let in only hunters from certain states??

>NMPaul, the Statement that i responded
>to was "to bad they
>don't ban non residents."
>With non-residents being the key words.
>There was no mention of
>Caili hunters but you were
>quick to spin it towards
>Ca.... By the way i
>didn't try to say, i
>said it!
>IMO, To those wishing no "non-residents";
>keep your hunting to yourselves,
>fine, then stay out of
>the other states...it's only right!
>Or, maybe you would prefer to
>let in only hunters from
>certain states??

I think i am just gonna end it on that I wouldn't want to ban certain states. Maybe just certain people!
"I think i am just gonna end it on that I wouldn't want to ban certain states. Maybe just certain people!"

There you go! Ban me, i really don't care!!

I've been hunting outa State steady for over 30 years and had many great trips, tons of nice people met, with a few good animals taken. Aside from a few groups of flat out mean people from one certain state, i've never had a bad word from or to a single hunter or group that i've come across.

Here though, i guess it's ok to condemn outa state hunters or jump on them when they respond in kind to statements like above!

Keep yer frigging State!!

Joey, cool your jets. Just saying it would not be a fair trade.

I cut my teeth on the D Zones. D19, D12, D16 where any forkey is a trophy. Best buck I got in A zone is on my wall and am the most proud of even though he is a little 3x3. My next buck I am most proud of came from B zone Hobo Gulch/Papoose lake area. A nice 4x4 that is a nice buck but is pretty unimpressive now.
Both of those bucks were hauled out on my back boned out by myself because I could not get anyone to go in that deep with me.

I had max points when I left CA and always wanted to hunt elk where my Mom grew up in Lone Pine. KA DFG screwed up my application one year so I fell behind in points even if there was almost no chance of me drawing a elk tag as a Non Res.

I have done lots of hunting out of state as well and have normally found people to be friendly and helpful.
Joey, dont want to beat a dead horse. My understanding was that you said NM should ban NR and other states should ban NM hunters.

My attempt at humor (to paraphrase it) was that if you are from CA you are getting the short end of the stick. I re read it and it did not quite come out the way it was meant.

Enough already.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown

My recollection is that NM is under a court order from a long time ago (1970's I think) that prevents them from applying the quota to sheep, ibex, & oryx. There was no quota on elk & deer at that time, so they weren't included in the lawsuit.

Now with the "Reid" bill that Congress passed a few years ago (due to litigation in AZ) there has been some discussion that the old court injunction against NM may be null & void, but it has not been tested.

wow i think nm might actually be worse off then utah. and we sit and whine so much! glad someone else is whining for a change. i was begining to think every other state was happy with there systems.
i dont think there is a lope tag in utah that takes moore than 8 years to draw.

nm does not have a pt system right?

ya know the thought of NR coming and hunting your states animals sure is an annoying thought but when you think about it, its not a big deal very few tags go to them they pay a pretty penny and you really dont compete since they are tags set aside just for them.

also id love to hunt other states someday. so i cant complain about a nr coming here.

STINKY- why dont you buy a cwmu antelope tag in utah? prob only cost 1000-1500 for a buck tag.i think for our cwmu they are sold for around 1000-1200ish...100-200 for doe tags.
you have prob spent close to that in app fees for nm lol
that is very interesting JR thanks for sharing.

Ox. No NM doesn't have a pt system. i think most everyone wishes they would. see the above posts about taking so long and sometimes not drawing a tag. i put in for 12 years for antelope then decided to try for an archery antelope tag and finally got it after 14 years. I really have no problem with NR for most of the tags. there are of course the few that come and think that they own the place and think its ok to do whatever they want. But NOT everyone is like that. the big problem i have is the fact that the majority of our bighorn tags go to NR as well as a large % of ibex.
>that is very interesting JR thanks
>for sharing.
>........... the big problem
>i have is the fact
>that the majority of our
>bighorn tags go to NR
>as well as a large
>% of ibex.

Not true

NR drew 35% of the BHS tags
NR drew 26% of the Ibex tags

2009 draw results are on the web for anyone to see.
Bob, that would still be more than most other western states.

Actually, if I get one, I dont care who else gets one. :)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 10:21AM (MST)[p]Understood. NM is very generous with the tags. You'll get no complaint from me on any aspect of NM Game Dept. policies. Just pointing out NR do not get the majority of BHS tags.

My other peeve is NM Wildlife's continuous assertion that the LO tags are taken directly from the public draw tags. It implies that simply reducing or removing those LO tags would provide an instantaneous increase in public tags, which is not true.
The LO tags are a separate entity within the COER as are the public draw tags.
LO tags are the only way that ranchers can hope to afford the damage that elk cause to their property. Game and fish used to help pay for high fences to keep them off their property but decided that tags were easier. the only other alternative is for farmers and ranchers to shoot on sight and leave them lay. Now that is what i don't like to see. i would rather give them tags to sell.

and just because last year NR didn't get the majority of tags doesn't mean that overall they don't. I know for a fact that in years past only one or two residents got bighorn tags.
I'm not arguing, just posting up numbers.
NR do get more than a "fair share". I wouldn't argue imposing the NR quota across the board.


2008, 68.8%
2007, 11% but the numbers are messed up
2006, 46.2%
2005, 67%
2004, 25%
2003, 41.7%

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