NM Bruiser



This bruiser let me get several pics the other day.


The cool thing is that he is still growing! He has a lot of whit hair growing up his bases.
What do you guys think he scores right now?

Thanks for looking,
I'm positive those pictures do not give that buck true justice , he's a hogg ! I'm geussing 16 in , maybe , but looks to have real good mass . Probly in the low 80s' , but a great buck non the less . Those are awesome pics , how close did ya get ? Thanks for sharing , and please keep em coming , love speed goats....NMHUNUTT
I agree that he's got great mass. Its hard to guess how long he is, but I'd guess 82"
Nice and HEAVY... Great goat. Not real good at guessing scores, but I doubt I'd do a lot of hesitating on squeezin' the trigger.
82 3/8
His D-1 and D-2 will be below the prong, looks like 4 1/2" prongs. Nice mass.
Good Goat.
I wouldn't hesitate pulling the trigger, releasing the arrow, chunking a really big rock either. I was able to get within 100yds pretty easy. As tame as he seemed, I bet he gets smoked by somebody.
BTW I guessed him at 84ish. My pics don't do him justice. His body and head are pretty good sized as well, not like some of the goats you see.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-05 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-05 AT 09:14?PM (MST)

would love to find one of these in wyoming next month.is that what 7" mass looks like? great pics keep em comin

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