nm antelope


Active Member
I got lucky and drew a antelope archery tag for the northeast part of the state. I was wondering what kind of experience people have had with this tag since you are not assigned a ranch to hunt. I have some public land picked out on the map I just need to scout it out. it is also my first antelope hunt so any tips on hunting these guys with a bow is appreciated thanks in advance
It's a tough hunt up there. You need to hope it's hot and dry. I drew out too, but for the SW part of the state. I hunt in the catus and cedar trees. Look for some sheep fence and have a buddy drive them to you. I hunted up there two years ago and it was tough. I only go one shot off and blew it. Where I hunt in the SW part of the state I am 5 for 7 on bow goats (only one big one though). Any goat with a bow is a trophy espcialy if you spot and stalk. Be sure to have your laser range finder!
ya hot and dry would be best i am also going to try one of those cow decoys and try sneaking up on them of course a big one would be nice but with a bow i am not going to be to picky

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