NM Antelope


Long Time Member
Although I've never been a fan of NMex's antelope system it appears I was lucky enough to draw a tag this coming season. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with how NMG&F assigns each hunter to a ranch in the region of units he applied? I was wondering if the NMG&F has another random draw or how each hunter is assigned to a ranch?

I am also curious if most ranches allow scouting prior to the hunt and does each hunter receive a packet with info on ranch boundaries, rules and regs, etc? Also, is it possible to be "re-assigned" to an alternative ranch if the one assigned does not hold the quality of bucks that the hunter is looking for?

If you ask me this is the goofiest system in the entire Western US and is nearly impossible to do any research, scouting, or figuring out prior to being assigned a ranch?

I am curious if anyone from NMex ever has tried to change this strange process or if you are just happy having the opportunity to hunt private land whether it is a good ranch or not? I guess I'm a bit old fashion and enjoy drawing a unit that I research and apply for. I then have the choice of asking permission to hunt private land or hunt whatever public land is available.
Kiowa Hunting Service
[email protected]

The area Game Manager takes the successful list of hunters and puts them on ranches at his discretion. I am sure that it is done already.

Scouting - Directly dependent upon the rancher at his discretion. I think that he has to allow you on the day before but anymore is his choice.

You will receive a packet of everything on the ranch and to who to contact. The contact is your decision. YOu will have to deal with the rancher as to camping or not. The only thing the license does is allow you to hunt.

To move to another ranch is strictly dependent if the ranch signed a unit wide clause in their contract. If they did you may only move to another ranch that also signed the same clause and that is with the other rancher's permission and permission from a Game and Fish officer. You will not be allowed to move till at least the second day of the hunt. If the ranch signed ranch only, you cannot move.
NM Ant--

My brother and I drew last year for public tags for the rifle hunt. We're both live in Las Cruces, but were assigned ranches in Grant Co. where we are from. So we got 'lucky' as Grant Co. is our 'stomping grounds.' The ranches we were assigned were just about in our parents back yard, not literally, but figuratively.

My brother and I had many discussions on how we got assigned the ranches. We figure we must have been assigned based on some type of proximaty. So to this day I wonder how they assign ranches.

As far as being able to scout. That is at the discretion of the landowner which shouldn't be based on the Big Game proclamation. which states on page 41 under the topic 'General Information:' "Public hunters, when assigned to a ranch, have free, equal and unrestricted access to the entire ranch."

The G&F dept will send you a 'rough' map which outlines neighboring ranches as well as the boundaries. But the landowner should take you out and show you the boundaries of his ranch.

We talked with the Game Warden before the hunt and he stated that if we felt we weren't seeing much antelope during the hunt to call him he would reassign us to a neighboring ranch. So this can probably be done at the discretion of the Game Warden in charge of the area.

I'll send you a PM with my phone number if you have any more questions.
Thanks guys! That clears up several of my questions but I still am wondering how exactly they come up with assigning hunters particular ranches. It almost sounds like if you knew who ever was involved with assigning ranches you could somehow persuade him which ranch was your preference to hunt? I imagine the outfitters in particular units know the guys assigning ranches fairly well and may have an inside way of getting more of the clients tags? If this is so it doesn't seem like a very fair system to me?

It sounds like it could pay to somehow get ahold of the game warden prior to the hunt to know how to contact him in case you want to change ranches?

I look forward to hunting New Mexico and hopefully will have some great memories from my upcoming hunt! Good luck to all that draw! If anyone would like to email me I can be reached at: [email protected] Thanks again for your comments!
OSO, Thanks again for your comments! I applied for the SW and applied my son for the units south of Raton. I'm not sure which tag we drew since we were only hit on the CC once. I've hunted a bunch of species over the years and antelope are still one of my favorites! I'm really looking forward to hunting them in NMex! Sounds like there is some great moisture this spring and early summer to produce some whoppers.
If anyone hasn't seen the results yet, the NMex deer, antelope, elk, and other species draws are posted on their website. My son drew an antelope tag in the NE corner. Hopefully we can find him a whopper! He went on his first antelope hunt last year in Wyo and made a fantastic 280 yard shot on his first nice buck...hopefully we can have another great experience this coming season! Good luck to all who drew!

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