NM Antelope Unit 29



Hello all. I drew an Antelope tag for unit 29, the Macgregor Range, but I know absolutely nothing about it. I have the numbers to Ft Bliss and the Biologist for the area, but would be interested in talking to anyone who has hunted it.

Thanks in advance for any help you choose to give.

You took my tag :D!!!
That is the tag we put in for but came up empty-handed...

Scottyboy, I know how you feel. I applied last year and couldn't draw. I watched a friend draw the tag, then not use it as he had a short notice duty obligation pop up.

Well, smoke a big one out there. There are some big ones out there for sure. I'll still be hunting just to the south of ya in Hudspeth county in TX for my '05 goat. Good luck..


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