NM Antelope unit 16 Success!!!



Self guided!!!! Lots of really hard work(mostly intense scouting).

First link is my brother, got his at about 9:30AM after about a three hour, 450 yard stalk.

Second link is mine taken at about 4:30PM after a long day.

Both should score in the high seventies after drying. My brothers is a little bit bigger.

Both with 25-06.


Nice pix Eddie. I think I saw you out and about during the hunt. Were you hunting the Billings ranch?

My brother (GilaMonster55) hunted the Billings Ranch. I hunted the neighboring LT/McCauley Ranch. Each of us drew the public permit for each of these ranches. We considered ourselves very lucky to draw these permits.
Your not kidding about being fortunate for drawing those tags. We've been applying for 10 years now with no dice.

I thought I recognized the Jeep. I was Guiding two hunters for Wayne Billings. Ask him about the front row seats they had when we took our buck about 4:00 Saturday.

Here's the story:

We met your brother and two older gentlemen in the ranch they were traveling south and we were going north. We were going to hit the north pasture across the County road. We talked for a while and went on our way. It was about 12:00pm. Just before we got to the county road we spotted a good buck about half a mile west of the road. We got out and tried to put a stalk on the buck, but as luck would have it, about 300 yards from where we thought the buck was just over the rise, the buck had moved towards us and busted us. He took off west about another half a mile and stopped. We decided to try to circle him to see if we could get within gun range. About two miles later and three bauched stalks we figured he was gone for good.

As we were walking back to our truck we saw your brother go by headed toward the north pasture. We didn't know if he had gone to the west side or the east side. Then I remembered a road that would take us in the general direction the buck we just chased went. We got on the county road and went west. We met your brother at the west entrance of the north pasture. I asked them if they were going to head in. They said they were, which was good for us because we knew that buck we were chasing was on the south end of the road. We drove down the south road about two hundred yards and low and behold that buck was beaded down about 1000 yards east of us. We quickly turned around and headed back to the county road and went east and got behind the buck. We stalked about 500 yards above him and belly crawled to within 200 yards. Your brother played a big part in our success because that buck could see them glassing us as we made the stalk. The buck was getting nervous and stood up. Giving my hunter a broadside shot. He hit him perfect thru the lungs, but the buck took off. He stopped and I told him to hit him again. This time he missed. The third shot was true and the buck went down.

I'm really glad you guys were successful in your hunt. :)Congradulations to both of you. And kudos to your brother, he could have easily gone towards that buck and took him.

Sorry for the long story :)

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