NM Antelope question



My dad and I drew tags for the first time. How does it work? Does the G & F tell you where you are going? Is it ranches or public land you have to hunt in the unit they put you in?
Congrats on your hunt . Antelope hunting is a complete blast . The G&F will asign you to a ranch , they will send you the ranch information, owner and phone numbers and a map of the ranch it self .They do it in July , not alot of time to scout , but thats how they work . As soon as you get your packet , if I were you , I'd call the rancher and visit some with him or her .
Again congrats , you guys will have a good time .
I also drew the ANT-101 hunt and wondered about the procedures they followed. This area is quite huge. You can hunt from Albequegure (spelling?) the the southeast corner of the state. I'll wait and see and hopefully someone can help out. Thanks in advance.
Hey NMHUNTNUTT thanks for the info. Yeah cant wait. Cant belive we got drawn. First time in 13 years. So hope it gos good.
Well we finaly got our map. We got drawn for unit 56. The map is kinda hard to understand on the boundries. Guess I will be making a trip to the G & F dept. The map shows State and Federal land. Are we able to hunt these lands or are they off limits. The ranch we drew is the Glenn Jones Ranch.

Looks like that ranch is listed unit wide. Accorading to A-Plus if you are ant-1 or ant-3 you hunt the ranch 1 day and don't like the area you can get assigned to another area in the antelope managment unit. If you are ant-2 you can hunt the ranch bounderies or any public land in the antelope managment unit.

I'm still waiting on my assignment.
My party of four got assigned to the Doherty Investments, 59,000 acres, we received 3 maps that displayed different parts of the ranch and directions of how to access them. I'm a little confused because one map states "This is your hunting area" and the others state " your now in the hunting area" can I access all the mapped areas or just the one thats listed as mine? The G&F proclamation states that " Any legal sporting arm hunter who draws a license will be assigned & public hunters who have been assigned have free, equal, and unrestricted access to the entire ranch."
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-06 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-06 AT 10:14?AM (MST)

NM G&F needs to get out of the stone age and make all this stuff a little simpler.

You have unrestricted access to all of the ranch you've been assigned as long as all of the ranch resides within the same unit you've been assigned. If portions of the ranch are in another unit, you cannot hunt those portions.

You can move ranches on the second day of the hunt if you have NO antelope on your ranch to hunt. G&F won't usually let you move just because you don't like your ranch. I guess they dislike trophy hunters or something. I've been able to move ranches on the evening of the first day, but usually the game wardens won't let you.

Last year I requested to be moved to another ranch and the game warder came onto my ranch and scouted it for a half day to make sure there weren't any antelope and that we weren't lying. Of course, he saw nothing and then signed us over. Unfortunately he signed us over to a ranch that also had no antelope and so we got signed to another ranch about noon the second day.

Also, one thing to note, you can only be moved to another ranch that is also listed as unit wide. Many ranches are listed as "ranch only" and you will not be able to move onto one of those ranches.
Cleric-Do recall the name of the officer that pulled that BS. I'd turn him in. If its a guy named Chad James you ran into the worst of the worst. Most of the time I requested a change it was no big deal. Chad purposely made himself unavailable. I called the Raton folks and Santa Fe folks a they agreed I ran into a bad egg. Big Cowboy with a gun complex. We should all contact the dept and ask that they get user friendly on the moves.
I took my son on a ranch hunt last year and it was a total joke! The rancher took us to a corner of the ranch and dropped us off and made us walk while all the guided hunters drove around in trucks and hunted the areas with highest density of antelope (and biggest bucks). By the time we figured this out it was to late and we were screwed.

I believe you are allowed to scout the ranch you will be hunting 1 or 2 days prior to your hunt and I would take full advantage of this. I would also make it clear with the rancher that you have full access to the entire ranch. If any of you have similar experiences to the one my son had I would definitely complain to the game and fish. It definitely put a sour taste in my son's mouth in regard to NM big game hunting!

As far as I'm concerned New Mexico's rifle antelope system is a total joke and definitely needs some tweaking! If you are rich and can afford a guided hunter it is a fantastic system but the public rifle antelope hunters are screwed!

It is pretty crazy to apply for a group of units and pray you get assigned a good ranch. I have no idea how the game wardens determine who gets assigned the better ranches but have a feeling it isn't a lottery draw? My preference has always been to research units to draw, scout them out, ask permission to hunt private ranches, or hunt public land. The NM rifle antelope system makes this nearly impossible. After so many years of waiting for a tag I hope you guys have a good hunt!
Well I was looking at the landowner permits the G & F web site and seen that they gave the ranch 6 MB tags for this ranch. Its also a UW ranch but its the biggest UW ranch in this unit at close to 8900 acres. All the others are listed at 4000 or less some only being in the hundres. I have yet talk to the ranch manager on the phone yet but plan on doing so very soon. Need to see if they offer a place to camp and a meat cooler if we do get an antelope and some other things. Hey jims sorry to hear about your bad luck with our tag.

Mickeyelk-Its not that bad. When you get your ranch assignment, shot me a PM (Make sure you let me know here) and I will help you get a good start including rules, phone numbers to call if the event of a problem, etc. You'll have fun.
Do you happen to know anything about the Doherty Investment? Between Des Moines & Clayton, apparently 59,000 acres I believe? I hear the owner can be trouble, not sure though. I'm under pressure to come through, both my daughters 11 & 12 will be doing their first antelope hunts. thanks in advance.
toro. this may be the ring bone north ranch. most of the ranches have a foreman, often hispanic, and they are very nice persons. be considerate of them doing their job and keep the gates closed, etc, and stay on the two trak roads. i have hunted the ring bone north, so if that is the ranch, let me know.

After finding the UNSUCCESSFUL on June 21st I got a call Tuesday (7/18) afternoon that because a party that drew had a bad credit card and were rejected, that my son and I drew! Over the past two days I have been on the phone a lot and found out today that we will get a ranch assignment in unit 36 tomorrow. Can't wait to find out what ranch it is! This has just been unbelievable news. Good luck to everyone that will be hunting this fall.

Toro-I believe this ranch is just south of Sierra Grande. I have not heard anything with regard to the owner but I'd be happy to talk you about how I'd approach a gruff landowner that knows the rules but thinks you don't. In other words lets get you up to snuff on the rules and make sure you have immediate access (cell service is great at this spot) to the Game Warden working the area.
RE: NM Unit 36 Antelope question

What can we expect on this hunt? Weather, quality of bucks, hunting pressure, cactus & snakes? I believe the unit has serious trophy potential, but I'm sure there aren't trophy bucks on every ranch. I appreciate your ideas.
RE: NM Unit 36 Antelope question

Get the ranch name and I'd be happy to visit with you about anything I know.
RE: NM Unit 36 Antelope question


PM the ranch info. My brother lives down there I can get him to take a look.


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