Nine Mile Sheep Tags for 2012



Just wondering how everyone who cares, feels about the sheep tag allotment for the Range Creek Nine Mile unit this year? They've gone from 5, to 10 and now this year they are giving 13 it looks like. I'm sure the unit has a lot of sheep but I'm afraid the quality of the rams will start to decline. Hope I am wrong. With a lot of luck, maybe I'll get drawn this year and I wont have to worry about this problem.
Well Rack,
It's always a balancing act between the maximun acceptable tags and quality. I don't have a good answer for you but I'm sure there are those who will have strong opinions either way.

When you draw, there are areas within the unit where you can hunt without seeing any other hunters. My friend one_dryboot hunted one such area last year.

My OPINION is that the more accessible areas will be hit a little harder while the remote areas will see very little impact from additional tags.

Is that beating around the bush enough for you?
The flight data they recorded back in december showed 418 sheep on the unit. 206 ewes, 69 lambs, and 143 rams after the hunt was over.

13 tags is around 9% of total rams. I believe they try to harvest around 30% of the total class III, IV rams.

I had this tag last year and only hunted a small part of the unit, but I saw alot of sheep and mature rams every day. In 3 days of hunting we saw 18 rams. The key is keep on moving until you find the ram that you cant pass on. There are some great rams in the unit and it is an awesome hunt. I told myself going into the hunt that I was going to hunt for the biggest ram in the unit. Ya, until I found a 174 ram on day 3 and couldn't pass him up.
The tag numbers are only suggested numbers and if you have a concern you can voice it at the RAC meetings...Rack! Lol.
They also have proposed to increase the Zion Desert tags by 3 this year as well. I think given the limited access points on the Zion, that many tags, along with the NR, Sportsman's, and Governor's tags could possibly turn that hunt a Zoo, if everybody goes at it at once. I know Randy (Shadowhunter) already voiced his concern at the Southern RAC.
Anyway, I guess we will see what happens, but I know anyone that draws a OIL tag is hoping for a quality experience.

Regardless, good luck in the draws! You need that Rocky!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-12 AT 09:17PM (MST)[p]I had the tag last year, it is a big unit and a lot of places to get away from other hunters. I seen and talked to other hunters but there are many places to get away from others. I don't know the right amount of tags to give out. I seen some good rams that are still on the mountain, and think it will be a very good hunt next year. I hunted hard and covered most of the unit, and found some real good rams. I don't know at what point the quality will start to drop.
this unit desperately needs to be split into two or three units with some of the hunters being forced to hunt and harvest in upper or middle desolation canyon.

This is a huge unit with lots of sheep. But what happens is some parts of the unit are more accessible so the hunters pound and over harvest parts of the unit while rams are dying of old age in other parts.

I have suggested making Desolation Canyon its own unit for quite some time. I think Sand Wash to Range Creek should be its own Unit. Maybe even make The Beckwith Plateu its own Unit. Hunters and Sheep would benefit from a more managed harvest. 5 tags for The Beckwith, 5 for Range Creek to Sunnyside, 2 for Desolation.
They are milking the 9 mile just like they are doing on the Zions.

Pad the total 'Public Draw' tags issued to reflect 'Opportunity' and let the worthless Con Org. 'Tag$' get sold for Habitat and Wildlife with bigtime loss to the Public hunter vs the deep wallet/jump to the front of the line guy...

Happens every year...It is just 9 Mile-Rocky Ram and the Zions-Desert Ram turn this year.


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