Nine Mile Range Creek

  • Thread starter huntersparadise
  • Start date


So I am one of the very lucky few who drew a tag for bighorn in this unit. I have talked to several people and gotten several different opinions on where to hunt. I was hoping that some of you who have hunted the unit before could tell me where you saw rams or where you killed your ram. I have found that most people are very willing to help me out with information since it is a once-in-a-lifetime hunt and they can't go back to hunt it themselves. I am very grateful for any information I get and appreciate all of the help to make this hunt unforgettable.
Please at least scout for yourself, your regret it if you don't harvest.... Try around East Carbon, I know of a few rams that stay within 10 miles of East Carbon all year. They move but not too far. That being said I could say I seen a ram at this location on this date and time, but I have been in the area for years now and they are not that predictable. But East Carbon is a great starting point and good luck on your hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-13 AT 07:29AM (MST)[p]

Thanks deerslayer. I have already done a fair amount of scouting and I did see the rams that hang out in Sunnyside a couple of times this summer. I am hoping that I can get a better idea of the rutting areas for the sheep in this unit. Thanks again
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-13 AT 11:15PM (MST)[p]During the Rut the usually head south of the Roan Cliffs CWMU, they also will occasionally be on the Roan Cliffs CWMU for short periods of time. This is dependent on weather and such. Also there are Bighorns during the rut on the west side of the green river (town and river) above I 70. Take a look at this page Hope this info helps, as I am the type to tell you where to look even on general season hunts. My reasoning is if everyone can be successful to some degree (finding animals is a big part) it only helps our sport.

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