Nikon, Vortex, Minox, E2's, Pentax ED's


Very Active Member
I thought I would post my recent experience with all 5 of these glasses, all 10x42's. I own a pair of Nikon Monarchs and have had them for yrs. About 3 yrs ago I came to realize that in low light or the last 2 to 1 1/2 hours before dark the Monarch was really not up to pare. It was lousy with glare and the evening haze fogged the picture so bad I know I wasn't seeing the game I could have been, so I started looking at other glasses.

The first pair I bought was a pair of Vortex Vipers. Upon receiving them I was out comparing them to the Monarchs the last 2 hours of daylight. At first you could not tell a difference but as the light faded it became slightly obvious they offered a better view. They had a clearer and crisper image while pulling in more light. The difference was not that big and it took me a good half hour or so to really decide that yes, these are better glasses. However, the edge to edge flare was not to good and I found you had to look right thru the sweet spot to have good focus. I used them one season then sold them knowing I could find better without having to spend a fortune on one of the big 3.

This yr I ordered a pair of Minox Hg's and Bushnell E2's at the same time. Upon receiving them I set them up on tripods, well actually a brick wall with a towel underneath, with the Monarchs. I looked thru all 3 of them for 2 hours at the same spot on the mountain until dark. I determined, and the wife, that the Minox and E2's were slightly better than the Monarchs, but not much. Even as the light faded there was not that big a difference from the Monarchs and the Vortex was actually better than these two binos for low light clarity IMO. The focus was very slow on the Minox and I really didn't like the center focusing system of the E2's. You adjust the right diopter in the center on the e2 then you can lock it and focus both lenses, it was just awkward. Looking thru the E2's and Minox there was not much difference. At one time the Minox looked better and the next the E2's looked better. Rather then keeping either one of them because they are not much better than the Monarch I sent them back.

Next up was the Pentax DCF ED's. Basically it took about 2 minutes to determine these are one fine glass and are far superior to the Monarch, E2, Minox, and Vortex, in every regard. The image stays crisp and clear well after dark with no glare and very little edge to edge flare. They focus super fast, the right diopter locks, and there is plenty of twist up on the eye cups for anyone that also lock. The flatness of the field of view is not to bad either. Color rendition is excellent and I'm unable to detect any chromatic aberration. My next stop was Zeiss Fl T,s but the Pentax at half the price I feel is a bargain. If your looking for a mid priced glass you should really check these out. They are really nice glass.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 08:06?PM (MST)

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with all the bino's. How do you go about purchasing and returning all of them? I am one of those wishing the vortex razor was an EL for $800. Too good to be true. Even if they look similar. Any thoughts about comparing the Cabela's Euro bin?
If you get a hold of Doug at he will let you return them if you don't like em. I had to get the E2's from Eagle Optics and they let you return them as well within 30 days. From what I have heard and read the Cabelas Euros are not very good glass and they won't divulge who makes them so you can't get parts or get them fixed if they have a problem. That killed the thought of Euros for me. The Razor is not an $800 El but what I would do is buy the Razor and the Pentax ED and compare em side by side. I am willing to bet you keep the ED and dump the Razor!
Thanks for taking the time to post your findings.
A couple of questions. You said you have owned the Monarchs for years-were your Monarchs the older grey colored non phase coated models or the newer phase coated models with eco lenses?

Your findings on the Pentax DCF Ed's do not surprise me, they would be my first choice in a mid grade bino based on my past experiences with the DCF WP's and DCF SP's.

Also, for around the price of the DCF ED's you could have gotten into a Bushnell Elite 10x43-did you consider this option?
Have you looked through this glass?

Thanks, Jon
My Monarchs are the phase coated lenses but I don't quite remember if they are the echo glass or not? Not sure if the echo glass came out later or not either? But they are phase coated, I remember that distinctly when I bought them.

From all the research I did I found out the E2's have the same glass as the Elites. But the big difference is the cheaper housing and I believe the focus system. I never looked thru the Elite.
I've been looking to buy a "value" set of binocs for my upcoming moose hunt. I like the review, but I believe the Pentax ED's are not comparable to the Vortex or Minox. From my quick checking, Pentax ED's are $1000 compared to $400 for the Vortex. I think they are just in a different league. If I was to spend at least $1000, I would be looking into the big guns, like Swarovski etc.
I agree, the ED's are in a different league. And I sure didn't spend $1000 for them! The best of these binos for value would be the Vipers for $500 IMO, at least looking through my eyes. But I was looking for something better than that without spending $1900.

Good Luck
Checked out some models today at the store.

I will say that I am very impressed with the new Leupold HD golden ring 10x42 it offered a slightly better picture than a SLC 10x42 in a side to side comparision. The store did not carry the EL's-it would have been interesting to compare the EL against the Golden Ring.

I also looked through the Vortex viper and razor in 10x42 models, a Elite 10x43 and a Zeiss conquest ABK 10x40. The Elite 10x43 was easily the better binocular out of this group.

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