Nikon or Leupold scope?


Very Active Member
I'm in need of a rifle scope mainly for elk hunting and in shopping around, I'm looking at the Nikon Monarch or Leopold VXII or VXIII (although I not locked in). Also considering the 3-12 or 4-16 zoom range. I did look thru them the other day and the Nikon seemed a bit brighter/lighter (just looking across the store) but the Leopold appeared a bit clearer but really hard to tell with only looking thru them in the storelight. The price range I'd like to keep to is probably under $600 as I usually only get 2 or maybe 3 hunts in per year and just can't justify much more $. The one thing I did notice is the Nikon would have to be mounted a bit higher due to larger rear dia. and I'm mounting it on an older Browning bolt action rifle. I was looking at the 40-42 mm objectives. I haven't bought a scope in probably 25+ years and my Redfield 3x9 died! Any personal experience or recommendations would be appreciated.
Both great optics. BUT, Nikon's customer service and warranty responsibility leave a lot to be desired. I've had experience with both, and Leupold is far superior if ever a problem. As a matter of fact, the problem with my Leupold was a problem between myself and an irritated cow moose resulting in a broken scope. Wonder what Nikon would have done for me? mtmuley
I started buying Leupolds in 1980 and now I have 8 rifles with Leupolds on them (one VX I,two VX II's and five VX III's). I am not a world class hunter but have made several tough western elk and moose hunts and a Yukon sheep hunt.Plus I have hunted whitetails here in TX for over 35 years. The Leupolds have NEVER let me down. Not once.

A very noted gunwriter I respect who has hunted in the most extreme conditions all over the world said Leupolds are as bright and tough as any scope no matter the price(brighter and tougher than most).He also said most African PH's use them. Good enough for me.

I am also of the opinion that a 40 mm objective is more than enough. Optics guys way smarter than me say that at almost all magnifications up to about 12X a 40 mm objective lets in all the light our eye pupil can expand to receive through the eyepiece.Plus, the quality of the glass and lens coatings are FAR more important to light transmission than objective (or tube) size. Why guys buy a beautiful and expensive little 6 lb. mountain rifle and top it with a 50 mm 2 pound scope is beyond totally defeats the purpose for which the rifle was built.

Bottom line: A lighter,quality scope of 3-9X or or 4-12X is more than enough for hunting anything in the world and even overkill for the vast majority of hunting situations.

Good hunting with whatever scope you choose!
i would go with the VXIII 4.5-14 ao or the VXII 6-18 ao both are good scopes. I have the VXIII on my 270wsm and it is a great scope and i have the VXII on my 223 and it is also a very good scope. Hope i can help
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-08 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]You can't really go wrong with the VX-II or VX-III Leupolds

Nikon has come a long way in quality and service.

Have both like them both never had any issues with either.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-08 AT 02:45AM (MST)[p] check out the Zeiss Conquest scopes before making a decision on the Nikon or Leupold.

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