NIKON cracks under pressure



LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-09 AT 02:35PM (MST)[p]I found this link on another site and decided to share it with everyone at MM apparently Idaho chapter of SFW was holding a Predator derby (to help with the coyote pop.) It has been going on for about 5 years now. well the ANTI fruits got a hold of this and wigged out of course and they saw NIKON was one of the sponsors so they put the pressure on and NIKON withdrew from the event within days! Now Cabalas is also a sponsor and they are trying to put the pressure on them as well even talking about buying stock in the company so they have more of a say in the way Cabalas runs there company at the shareholders meetings!!!! Just thought I would let you know that NIKON cracked under the anti pressure. Maybe there optics aren't ready for the hunting industry after all due to lack of the most important component
Here is the link

Don J.
I also posted this in the optics section and predator section as well hope that is OK
I don't agree with you on your comment about Nikon not being worhty of the hunting market. You have to remember that Nikon sells lots of optical equipment to all sorts of people, and sportsmen are only one segment of that market. I'm sure they also sell lots of binoculars, spotting scopes, cameras, etc to people who do not support hunting. In contrast to your view, I'd say that more hunters should do business with Nikon, and then make them aware of the economic impact that hunters have on Nikon's bottom line.

As for Cabela's, I do think it would be interesting to see the ARFs complaining at their annual meeting. A company whose entire customer base is hunters and fishermen might not react that same way that Nikon has to, publicly traded or not. I'd love to see the CEO of Cabela's tell some nutjob ARF to go procreate himself.
I had already sent my opinion to Nikon a week or so ago, telling them they just narrowed down my search on optics from now on (they are no longer on the list).

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I complete disagree with you about buying more equipment from NIKON its not that they don't work or are a bad quality, its the fact that they backed down to anti pressure the way i look at it is they pretend to support hunting so they can get business and as soon as it becomes a little hot they run so why spend money with them when there are other company's that stand up too anti hunting groups and support hunters? When times are bad you figure out who your REAL friends are by seeing who sticks by you
"""I'd say that more hunters should do business with Nikon, and then make them aware of the economic impact that hunters have on Nikon's bottom line."""

Are you serious,I disagree, all though I see your point about hunters not being there only customers, but if they stuck too there guns and didnt cave to the antis I bet that they would see less of a drop in sales of there products because most of the antis that buy there products would just forget about the fact that they sell hunting stuff, and support hunting related activitys.

In fact by doing what they have done they are makeing things worse on them selves if they would have ignored the threats it would have been forgoten by now this was first brought up on this site a couple weeks ago.

Now they have isolated a whole section of there consumer base that are not going to forget what has happened as easly, we as hunters have a much larger dedictated base than do the anti's yeah there are alot of people that are not hunters but only a few of them are hard core anti's that will boycot there products.

If all hunters quit buying there product's then they would see how much of an impact we have on there bottom line, and they might realize they made a mistake.

That is my oppinon on the matter.

will be buying a new scope this week and it will most likley be a new Monarch 2 x 8 x 34 for my new 257 Roberts. They support us by making their product available. My skins not that thin, and theres more important things in my life to sweat over.

Hey thats great buy a scope from them there products are pretty good just remember to go around back of the store ya here don't want nobody seeing you hunting people around could give Nikon a bad reputation.

thats the way I see it but whatever my skin is a little thin when it comes to anti hunting groups influencing a company thats supposed to support hunters. I think it was hypocritical of NIKON to target hunters and try to please the anti crowd so take the info for what it is and make your own decisions at least now people on MM and other hunting sites have a little info on what type of company NIKON is.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p] When you hold a contest to see who can kill the most of something, even coyotes it does not look very good to non hunters and even some hunters. Coyote contests should not be advertised. What would you expect. I suspect they will be outlawed before long.
Yes I hunt coyote contests.

PS who cares NIKON makes chit glass anyway

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
I agree, Nikon glass sucks....
As for Nikon not having a backbone..I would not buy there glass..If they can't support the hunting community, then that tells me Nikon DONT GIVE A SHEEETZ ABOUT US HUNTERS...So why support them.
Save your money...even if it takes a couple Swaro, Leica, or Ziess. Piss on Nikon....
If Leica, or Swaro did what Nikon did, I would have my Swaro, or Leica up for sale in 2 seconds....
We has hunters.. have to make a statement...
Im sure those F__kin Anti's are celebrating as we speak..

Some of you guys need to wake up. One of their cameras can cost many times over what their most expensive scope costs and a lot of those people don't hunt. In todays world with a tight economy you have to be aware of all your customers. Nikon probably donated some goods and they left those there but had to withdraw their support to avoid a firestorm. The anti's are very well organized and coyote contests have been outlawed in many areas. Ever wonder why Walmart doesn't have too many hunting magazines any more? Pressure from anti's. You guys think that the boycott is the only answer need to rethink your strategy. Ever notice how many of these companies donate to our cause behind the scenes? I don't like the fact these groups think that pressuring any company will cause them to withdraw but it's a reality we must face. Want to run them out of business well remember that a percentage of every scope sold by every company goes to support wildlife through the taxes we pay and some companies donate a portion of the sales reciepts too. So running them out of business isn't the answer boys because in the end you're only hurting hunting. Money for our cause is hard to come by with any source and eliminating a source that makes affordable products only adds to the pot for conservation and the battles we must fight in the future. Support the companies that build the products for the outdoor activities you enjoy because without the companies you'd be in a much bigger pickle funding anything.
To those of you who advocate boycotting Nikon, I'll offer this observation. Unless you refuse to do business with anyone who has anti-hunting views in the company you own or work for, you're a hypocrite to advocate boycotting Nikon or any similar company.

How many of you care if your customers that provide income that allows you earn a paycheck are anti-hunters? Do you think that as long as you don't know, it is OK? Do you even care if the money coming in to y our ocmpany is derived from doing business with those who are opposed to hunting?

If you're so firm in your belieft that you should boycott Nikon because they try to do business with all sides, then I think it is incumbent upon you to ask about the values of those you do business with, and refuse to do business with anyone who isn't a supporter of hunting.

If you're not willing to do that, but want to harm companies that try to appeal to all sides, you're a hypocrite, plain and simple.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]What in the hell do you suggest then CA keep giving these guys money when there other Company's out there that don't back down to anti pressure.
And your above post is retarded it has nothing to do with the fact that NIKON sells HUNTING equipment they benefit from HUNTERS and are COMPETING with other company's for our business plain and simple.
If you want hunters to spend there hard earned money with your company you better be willing to stand up for them as well.
Besides you don't have to boycott them at the very least contact NIKON and let them now you don't approve of it.
If the anti hunters can take the time to pressure a company out of supporting us I think we should at least (AS HUNTERS) voice our opinion to the company and the hunting community. I say you take a page out of the crybaby anti's book and voice your opinion loudly IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED THERE WAY IS WORKING so maybe you should wake up and try a new approach instead of justifying it
So ya want guys to Cowboy Up-----but you have your info 'Hidden'.....are you really 'someone that hunts' ?

I agree with CAelknuts on this topic 99%.

NIKON isn't going to RAC meetings trying to limit/shorten/ add spike hunting vs more LE tag opportunities.....

I certainly respect YOUR presentation but I think you need to focus on a more downsized reality..............

'Aint' no Anti hunters---No NIKON reps--- at the WildLife Board final decision meetings.....just no name biologists......go figure.

BTW did ya dump any 'Yotes? it is fun huntin' 'em.

Utah, with all due respect, I think that you should follow your own good advice. You're among those upset with Nikon, go ahead and write them an intelligently written and polite letter that tells them how your feel. I'm sure they'll give your comments proper consideration. However, I do not think they or any other company would regard a profanity laced rant or letter full of threats to their business for even as long as it would take to read. A well thought out letter that explains your reasons for concern with their position would probably be accepted as constructive criticism. On the other hand, you can just go buy something else, and they'll never even know you exist.

Why don't you write a draft and post it so that the rest of us can consider it and use it as a template?
This will be my first reason to dislike Nikon.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-09 AT 08:39AM (MST)[p]You guys are really niave. Every company that sells hunting supplies on this planet has to make decisions like this every single day. If you actually think it hasn't caused them to change/rethink their marketing strategy and who they support think again. Just because you don't hear about the events they choose not to sponsor doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Hell boys I was in the gun business and when you're in the business of making a product that is used for killing it is a sensitive issue before it hits the shelves in the store. Boycotting those within our ranks only plays into the anti's hands because it's one less company to deal with. Ever hear of divide and conquer. Don't get pissed off at the manufacturers, the only way we'll beat this ongoing threat is to keep them in business. I can see your point Utah but you need to look beyond the scope of this event to the bigger picture. The fact that they are making you mad enough to hurt a company that actually supports hunting demonstrates that their real objective is working. They got you to turn your feelings of discontent against the company that was actually supporting the event instead of the the organization causing them to withdraw. Who really caused this not NIKON!

In reality they're getting you to inflict damage on a company that helps fund what you like to do! Think about it.....
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-09 AT 04:16PM (MST)[p]No wonder anti hunters are doing so well! Go ahead and buy more glass from Nikon for Christ sakes pass up other companies that do fight for hunters rights and take all the crap that anti's give them for it.
You guys are being lazy you are letting a group of anti hunters win by being complacent.
I read a comment that said I bet the anti's are celebrating there buts off, your right they are! They think its great there all fired up they even want to take on cabalas now and have a plan to do it.
By backing down Nikon did cause this! That is harmful to hunters Any thing that we do involving animals has a negative image depicting it as a horrible cruel sport not just Derby's. so they get a little victory and it encourages them to go for more.
And I think as a company that supports hunting and that benefits from the revenue gained from hunters Nikon should have taken the stance that they support it as long as it is legal.

God I even have CA giving me home work telling me how to right a intelligent and polite statement with NO bad words to Nikon for everyone to approve.
Screw that sh!t you wright one your self lazy A$$ I found the info and took the time to post it here so do some work your self you condescending #####.
Hows that for intelligent and polite
Don J. :)
Nikon's customer service is the REAL reason to boycott them. One product from them for me, was one too many. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-09 AT 05:30PM (MST)[p]Utah, There are guys on here that have said to boycott Cabela's even in spite of the millions of dollars they give to support hunting because of a bad experience. If you were in the business you'd understand a little more about the pressure that gets exerted on these companies every year. If you think any of them haven't altered their stance on sponsoring some event you are 100% dead wrong. Notice how a lot of multi product companies go to great lengths to have you look at different threads of links on their websites for different products. They even set them up as separate companies to protect themselves in the event of a lawsuit. Zeiss makes a ton of medical equiptment and other products that aren't associated with their scopes etc. I can certainly understand you're being upset about what happened but there are lawsuits being filed every month to stop hunting in some form or fashion. Hell they're even suing us if we own more than one hunting dog in some states. The fact that they did step up to help support the contest and probably donated merchandise for the club to raffle off etc to raise money is something you don't want to completely ignore and if the anti's hadn't found out would have been just fine. They are still supporting hunting and we have to give them some leeway to allow them to operate because if they can't operate they can't donate.

Many companies today are still donating but won't be a sponsor because of all this crap and the signage. In times like these we have to work with them not against them. If you want to boycott them that's certainly your right but look at the hunting shows, other events they sponsor to help promote hunting etc. there's pro's and cons to everything but believe me when another sponsor sees a guy like you start down this path because they make a business decision they'll think twice about helping some other club and it might be at an event where hunting may/may not stand to benefit more. They don't want negative press and if they don't sponsor anything who can complain? It's not cut and dried and I share your frustrations but you are doing more for them by handling it in this manner on the internet than they ever could writing that letter and by getting Nikon to withdraw as a sponsor. You're letting your emotions fuel you rather than beating the bastards at their own game. I know you're upset as I would be too but take a step back and think about my angle and see if you may see some truth in what I said. We're all in this together and your club could probably ask them for a donation at some point in the future and may even get it in spite of what happened, just in a more discreet manner. Choose your battles Utah, in the big picture this is a skirmish and we need their money to fight the big war.
I just work to make a living. I'm no business man. I don't kiss nobody. Politically correct=No balls. Mainly the trouble with the United States today. No Nikon for me.
Hey goat man why don't you just share with us how many of those hard earned righteous little dollars you've donated to fight the anti's as opposed to some of these big companies and we'll see which one we can do more with. The trouble is too many of those righteous little guys that want to stand on principle don't donate a dime in the big fight but they're the first one's in line bitching about how they got screwed out of somebody elses donation. Kind of ironic. Yes I agree with the PC thing to some extent, but you don't throw your allies in the ditch to win a war especially when you need some of their equipment & troops to finish the job because you can't do it on your own.
Boskee, I have read and understand all of your points, BUT, where does a sportsman draw the line of a manufacturer helping or hindering our cause? mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-09 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-09 AT 07:27?PM (MST)

Boskee your right about me I am frustrated and pissed i don't like these people messing with my rights. To these people its a game to me its a way of life I love to hunt and I am sick of watching these jerks push us around and making us take a back seat I think Nikon should of told them to shut it! Its legal why cow down to these big mouth jerks?
I just think we are becoming too complacent we need to let the company's that support us now we appreciate it and show them that. and the company's like Nikon that we wont stand for the two faced crap.
You cant win a fight half in or half out of the ring its all the way in or you don't stand a chance the minute you turn tail and run it shows weakness and these people feed off of that crap it just makes them bolder. I promise you if they keep winning little victories like this one its going to get ten times worse.
Hey i agree the more company's on our side the better Nikon included but at least get a hold of them and let them now you didn't agree with there decision to pull there sponsorship, then they will know we are paying attention and we are not going to sit back and take it.
Just my opinion
Don J.
Don and mt muley I think Dons approach let them know in a thoughtful manner, that he outlined is the way to go that way we don't hurt ourselves in the process. Standing up and getting in their face will only cause them to withdraw altogether. It's kind of like covert action in that you keep them involved to the extent they want to be up front but work with them behind the scenes to further our cause. Muley if these guys would have sponsored the event w/o the publicity the anti's wouldn't have known the difference. The only reason they probably found out was because of the publicity. One of the things that's happening today is many companies are actually doing more as long as it's behind the scenes. If they gave you a nice donation (anonymously) & few scopes to auction off they would have gotten the same recognition but it wouldn't be out there and put them and their business in a position of vulnerability and they still could have helped you. I have had to rethink strategys when asking for donations for any events when it's for anything that's sensative. When you're dealing with a company that only makes guns etc they aren't so sensitive to this but CEO's and BOARDS of directors always think about the bottom line of multifaceted companies. Take an approach that works for them and usually they wind up working with you and in some cases you may get more than you asked for!! Hope this explains my rationale. Don I wish like you it didn't have to be this way but sometimes you have to fight from the trenches and use covert operations to win a battle. regards, CA
Mt Muley I addressed your question above and I hope all's well with you. There isn't any one correct approach (mine included) but we have to stick together to prevail in the end. regards, CA
This just gives me another reason to look elsewhere for optics. I do have one of their scopes on one of my rifles, but somehow everytime I sight it in I have to readjust......I'm not impressed with their scopes to say the least.
sorry about all the nows in my post I meant know. Hey what can i say give a redneck a computer and tell him to type you end up with two sore pointer fingers a tired A$$ed spell checker and a key board with a sick sense of humor i tried to type a word the other day it and was so bad the spell checker got an attitude after three times the only thing it would say was Dip-sh!t.
Don J. :)
Let's just face the facts.
NIKON can make an awesome camera...BUT they sure as F__k don't want to invest there $$ in making a "QUALITY" hunting line of optics. That in itself should tell you how important "US" hunter are to the Nikon Company.

CA and some of you other sissy's on MM, Let's just take the lazy approach and act like the hunting world dosen't really exist. That way hunting really wont exist in another 20 years.

Furthermore, I sell solar pumping equipment all day long. I'll bet 80% of my customers are "GREEN", Anti's. Let me just tell you somthing....I'll take their money all day long, then turn around a use it to buy hunting equipment "hunting toys" all day long. So, all in all, Keep taking that good anti money, and use it to kill a dog or two.


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