Nick Adenhart Dies in Hit and Run


Long Time Member
For those who don't know yet, Nick Adenhart was killed early this morning in a hit and run accident in LA. Pretty sad for his family as well as the Angel organization.

I just saw this on ESPN a few minutes ago. I feel for his family. It's not supposed to happen like that and when they are so young. He had a lot in life to look forward to.
Watching last nights game, my wife commented that he was just a "baby" and I said, "Yeah, a baby with a billion dollar future".

...I have never been SO wrong.
The other driver was drunk, driving on a suspended license and ran a red light. Killed 2 instantly, Nick died in surgery and another, if I recall is in serious condition. Looking at the drivers picture, it doesn't surprise me one bit. Looks like a God-damned thug!

This is a horrible tragedy, absouletly horrible. While I didn't know Nick Adenhart, I've posted on many of the same forum threads over on High School Baseball Web as Nick's father, who's been a regular on there for many years. Nick's dad is a wonderful man, and I never heard anything except very positive things about Nick, from some acquaintances who knew him.

I sincerely hope the POS that killed them spends the rest of his miserable life in jail.

The idiocy of gun control is the same as the idiocy of drunk drivers. Just because the law says they can't drive or own a gun, doesn't stop them if they want to bad enough. I hope he rots in prison.

May God bless Nick Adenhart and his friends who died last night.
Yes justice needs to be served. I don't know about spending the rest of his life in jail though. He'll probably get more time though then if he would have just shot them. I don't drink, so I am in no way advocating drinking and driving. What upsets me about our justice system is that the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Too many bleeding hearts.....our idot governor just banned the death penalty here in NM.....and a jury just let go a guy who shot and killed three teenagers over a drug deal.

It is a terrible tradgedy though.

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