Nice Nanny Down



Hopefully this works.
We got a call from the DWR about 5 weeks ago letting us know that our 17 year old daughter was an alternate on a once in a life time mtn. goat tag. We went up on thursday after the hunt had started, seen goats but just nothing that caught our eye. We had spotted this goat on friday morning and proceeded to put the stock on it. By 11:30 a.m. she was sending out text messages letting all her friends know that she had killed her nanny. What an amazing day and hunt it was with out 2 oldest daughters. Just putting a tape to it the length on each horn was 10" and just under 5" bases.
Thanks to those who helped me get these posted.



I've alway said "girls with guns, it's a beautiful thing"!

My wife and daughters have made me proud in the field so I know how you feel.

Congrats to you, your daughter and all involved on a successful hunt for a very cool trophy!

Thanks for posting up the photos so we could celebrate with you.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-12 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]I turned my tag back for the Willard Peak nanny about six weeks ago. I hope your daughter was the one who received the tag in the end. Excellent goat and pictures.

Hey Dillon thanks for the opprotunity of a life time! it will be a hunt that I " the 17 year old daughter " will never forget! hope you can get the tag next year!
No guarantee it was my tag you got, but I really hope it was. I have 9 bonus points and I have decided to hold out for the non-resident billy tag. I was a Utah resident this year, but I am soon going to be moving to Nevada.

Congratulation and thank you for sharing with your MM family.

Out of the 3 goats that we have killed this one should have been the full body mount, but as it is we are out of room in our house. We are having it rugged so she can put it in her room.

It's nice to see all the positive comments on here.She loves reading all of the comments. Thanks to all for you positive feed back.
A rug will look awesome also. Congrats again on the hunt and a great nanny. Be sure to post pics when you get the rug!

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