Nice Earthquake This Morning at 4:40 A.M.

Cow Tag

Active Member
I live in southeast Illinois and this morning about four forty a.m., a 5.2 EARTHQUAKE rumbled our house for about ten full seconds. Minor damage to older brick buildings in the area but NO deaths due to the quake. Did any of you deer and elk hunters feel this Earthquake? The epicenter was about 50 "crow miles" northeast of my place. It is scary when you are awaken with your house rocking and rolling around you. "An amazing life experience" is what I am calling the earthquake this morning. Tell MM about your EARTHQUAKE MOMENT if you have one. Good Hunting, Cow Tag, Galatia, Illinois
I have far too many to even share......I sort of got used to them living out here in Southern Cal. 5.2????, heck the news out here doesn't even report them anymore until they reach 6.0. :)

You're right though, for those who have never really experienced them it can be an uneasy feeling to say the least.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Happens up here a lot but I keep typing away on this computer, after awhile you get use to it.
My house sits right over one of the main fault lines, the Richards Fault Line.

I was in San Diego. Had just gotten back from Tijuana. About the time I got to the second floor of the barracks it starts going off. Would you believe an earthquake will help a drunk man walk straight.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
I felt it too. Had just hit the snooze button on the alarm clock. Bed shaked, windows rattled and our old female cat tucked tail and ran to the basement. I am 10-15 miles NW of Indianapolis. I know you kaliforny folks are used to this stuff but us midwesterners don't get to experience that very often. Last one that I can recall around here was early '80's.
I was sitting in my chair working on some writing in the dining room at home with my shooting ear muffs on to deaden the noise around my house so I could concentrate. All of sudden there was a rumbling and shaking that seemed to transfer itself to my body from the chair I was sitting in. This rumbling and shaking continued for a full ten seconds. I thought this was an earthquake but I noticed the glasses and dishes in my wife's glass case were absolutely still. Then I realized it was just an incident of flatulence.
Last good one we had here in Ca. I was sitting on the are seriously grounded and definately feel it in the seat of your pants.

I thought it was me.... and I was gonna be FAMOUS around my place for awhile.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-08 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]My most memorable quakes happened April 25-26 1992. It was about 11:00am and I was back behind the garage taking a leak (we live out in the country) when the first one hit, a 7.2. It was a real pisscutter because I definately stopped in mid stream.:) After it finally stopped I went into the house and we started cleaning up. Stuff fell off the shelves and out of cupboards. Water splashed out of the toilets, and the fridge "walked" out into the middle of the kitchen.

That night about midnight another one hit! A 6.6 this time. We got up and cleaned up again, but not so bad this time.

I woke up at about 4:00am and thought I heard natural gas leaking. So I grabbed the flashlight and went out side to check around the meter. That's when the third one hit! A 6.7 this time. So, back into the house and push the fridge back where it belonged, and clean up AGAIN! By then we were pretty burned out on earthquakes. We had after shocks for over a week. They even get on your nerves after while.

Here are a few pics from the surrounding area. We didn't have any serious damage. Cracked sheet rock and driveway, stuff like that.

Edit: I forgot to mention, this is Humboldt Co. Northern CA






Felt as far north as Reed City, Michigan. I'm 25 miles north of there but couldn't feel it here. It sure would have been strange, never felt the earth move before!!

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