NH Debates



Anyone else watch them? no big surprises but interesting anyway. the most obvious thing in the republicans was the gang up on the Morman game, they all were after Romney like dogs after a cat. McCain came off as the usual dork and Thompson as the snooze ball you'ld expect. I probably liked Paul the best followed by Romney.

The dems were a little more focused , I didn't see where anyone made or lost many points. the more I see of Obama the less impressed I am and that wasn't much to begin with, I liked Richards the best followed by Edwards.

I guess debates don't change much, I figured about the same before I watched them.
That's pretty funny stuff. Ransom neds to grow a beard like his partner.
I only saw a few minuets of the Republicans, and all of the Democrats.
Clearly McCain and Huckabee were double teaming the Mormon, but it was because he looked weak. I used to like Mitt, but if he can't handle McCain he can't handle the presidency. I thought Rudy came off good, and the more I see Huckabee the more I like him. We will see how smart he is soon enough, if he starts waving that bible around in New York or California, he's toast.

The Democrats took a clear advantage when Biden and Dodd dropped out, more meat and less fluff on the stage.

I though Obama was the clear winner. Nobody though he had any command of the issues, but he showed he did at least for last nights debate. Hillary was up and down, but finished strong. Richardson looked strong and in command at times, and naive at others. Clearly not on par with the Obama or Clinton. I can't figure out what anybody sees in John Edwards. He appears out of his league to me. An amateur on stage with professionals. Every time I see the guy next to Hillary or Obama I get embarrassed for him. Looks like he's going to throw his support behind Barak, that will keep the race interesting right up till Feb 5. After that, I still say it's Hillary and Rudy, and Rudy will win the Whitehouse.
Think so? It's going to be between Rudy and Huckleberry for the republicans but it could go either way. Rudy is more moderate, he says he's the only one who has a chance against the dems and he's right. Huckleberry will turn off swing voters in mass.

Obama is riding a wave right now, if he wins NH he may ride it all the way. I would have bet on Hillary a week ago but she's in trouble if she can't stay the perceived front runner.

It will be Rudy or Huckleberry against Hillary or Obama, Edwards could be a possible VP but he won't win the nomination. Bush has drug the republicans down in a hole they aren't going to climb out of by this fall,the dems are going to need power long enough to screw themselves before the republicans have a shot again. the economy is now the #1 issue it's not looking good, and while Iraq is less violent no political progress has been made so we're right back to zero. the next president will be Hillary or Obama, we should have a pretty good idea which one before long. If I'm wrong I won't be any different than the paid experts so why not make a prediction.
I thought the Republicans were all taking jabs at Romney. I thinks it's because they are scared of him. I think he's hands down the smartest of all the canidates. The ABC pole showed 45-50% of the people wanted more talk about the economy. So who is the best canidate for economics? Romney gets my vote. Senators need to stay in the senate. I think all senators make bad presidents.

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