NFL winners

Jags and Steelers: Jags won't win twice in Pittsburg.

Redskins and Seahawks: Seattle at home. Hasselbeck way better QB than Collins.

Giants and Bucs: I'll take Gruden, Garcia, and Defense over the Giants 9 times outta 10.

Titans and Chargers: Toss up game. Not sold on Vince Young or Phillip Rivers.If Kerry Collins starts I'll take the Titans.

Gotta have a good QB and a good defense to win in the playoffs.

The dark horse from Florida , the team that can't win in colder weather eh....NICE , VERY NICE....STEELERS SUCK!

Happy to see the Seahawks win by "21" , wonder if Portis is gonna do a post game interview in a dress talking some more of his mumbo ja humbo! SKINS SUCK EVEN MORE ...Lovin the playoffs so far...
The Jags can thank the Steeler coaching staff for that win.

Why in the world would the Steelers go for 2 following a 10 yard holding penalty? If the Steelers would have kicked the extra points both times after they scored in the 4th quarter they would have had a 3 point lead. Going for 2 makes no sense that early in the 4th quarter.

Then the Steelers were not aggressive when they had the ball with about 3 minutes left. 3 straight running plays. Way too conservative. First down and pretty much game over.

Surely these coaching decisions will be talked about on ESPN today?

Not bad...1 out of 4 (just razzing ya). This was an interesting week in football that's for sure.

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