nfl draft

I'm now a Ravens fan. My good hunt'n/fish'n/softball buddy down the street went in the 4th round #133 overall! Our little town is just psyched for him.
Bronco's a B- I like the first pick. Shannie made a bunch of reaches that could pan out. Or go bust.
Yeah - We'll see how it goes BeanMan - I am not really thrilled about a 5'9" receiver in the 2nd round. We need more D-line too. They've already raided the Cleveland Browns cupboard one times too many. They have had a lot of free-agents too - time to get some stability. Oh well, next year. Hopefully this kid from Boise State can block! I am not 100% sold on Cutler yet either - though he is better than Plummer and Griese - thought I thought they played him wrong and could have made better use of him. Guess I was spoiled by Elway!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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