
This is crazy dez bryant in big d, and tebow in denver and i can't believe it. It still isn't done first round.

Never been a Denver fan, now with Tebow over there,its gives me more reasons not to like them.
i dont know what mcdanials is doing. i hope they get this right. tebow knows how to win, but this is another level. we'll see. they passed on clausin and colt MCcoy and dez bryant to get him.
i'm still a diehard bronco fan , but not really on the coach macdanial bandwagon. lets see-- since he's been here we've lost Jay cutler, Brandon marshel, Tony Sheffler, Passed on Jimmy Clausin- colt MCcoy and dez Byant. he better know what he's doing or i'll bet he gets the boot in 1-2 yrs
Now we will have God and JC on our side. Pretty good move if you ask me. Can you think of two better fans you would want pulling for your team?
Im ok with drafting Tebow. We weren't winning a whole lot of games with Cutler, Marshall, or Sheffler so it's time to move on. I have faith in McDaniels and what kind of team he is putting together. Go Broncos!!!
>Im ok with drafting Tebow. We
>weren't winning a whole lot
>of games with Cutler, Marshall,
>or Sheffler so it's time
>to move on. I have
>faith in McDaniels and what
>kind of team he is
>putting together. Go Broncos!!!

That's just wishful thinking Slam!! I feel some hard times a coming....

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You might have lost something with Marshall, but Cutler was not a loss. Your way better off with Ortan. It is going to be really interesting to see what Tebow turns into. I think he is a winner, and in a few years may be the steal of the draft. I am not sold on Claussen at all. He will be a bust.
If Thomas hadn't broke his foot he was a top 10 pick.
I Like the way McDaniels went, got a Big FAST receiver with good hands. Tebow is a leader, The kind of leader we need on a team. Who cares what the analysts say about his release, he wont the hiesman and a national championship. He knows how to play and with McDaniels as his mentor now who knows what the kid could become. You have to remember, McDaniels had Matt Cassel looking like Tom Brady in no time.

Ya just never know about QB's taken in the first round. He might turn out to be the next John Elway or he might turn out to be the next Ryan Leaf. I hope he does well...

Marshall was very good and he was a huge pain in the rear end. Character means a lot to me and I wont miss him. Cutler was a pain in the rear and overrated.

Should be interesting to see how it all turns out.
Personally I am willing to sacrifice a W here and there in exchange for getting rid of a DB like marshall. If everyone thought like I did...the marshall types would stop acting like big dbags.

But, unfortunately nfl owners never listen to me. Someday maybe I will buy my own team...
Roy- I have to say that I think character wins a lot of games, and bad characters lose lots of games. You can't tell me the Steelers are going to win as many games this year without rothesberger. There is character for you. I think T.O. lost numerous games for his teams.
I have been a high school coach before, granted that is a million miles from the nfl, but good character kids make a huge difference in how your team does. They work harder, respect more, and play as a team. To me character goes a long way.
Wouldn't have passed on Bryant if I was Denver. Also, I wonder if they were trying to replace anybody particular in drafting a reciever with the size and skills of Demaryious Thomas?
I am just glad the "mini horse" from Austin did not go first. Do you all think that Tebow went 25th due to his un-orthodox playing skills? As structured as NFL has become maybe something a little different will be the ticket. Change is not always bad. I have seen it work for Florida the past few years.

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