Next Big Thing-Ideas



Hey Monster Muleys family:

I have been on this site for years and read back and forth abouty everyones adventures. I have been thinking of exploring a new line of work involved in the invention roll of new products. I guess my question for everyone is.....What is the one thing you are missing when your in the field?? What would make your camping or hunting trip better??? I want to put some ideas together and see if there is something needed that everyone wants or needs, I would love to hear back from the people who are living this stuff and really know what is missing. Any and all idea are welcome and we are brainstorming on what is needed... SO lets hear it, your best ifdea of what hasnt yet been invented..
....a magic carpet with heat....

Genghis Khan raped so many women that 1 in 200 people today carry his genes..
I would be more interested in hearing your ideas first to see if I like any you got. Then we can go from there. SO..........
A hunting cap with built in ear protection: baseball type, camo and/or blaze orange, water resistant, maybe insulated, with(the best part) built in swing up or down up ear plugs for when a guy either wants to hear or to shoot. They would always be right there, quick and available as long as he has his hunting cap which no self respecting hunter/shooter would ever be without.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Damn Sage, that's a great idea. I'm going to run down tomorrow and file a utility patent on that one;) No seriously, I like that idea.

How about a cough silencer(muffler) for farts?
Yes, i think it is a good new idea and a needed one too. Not only hunters/shooters but any person who might have need of occasional ear protection would benefit from the owning and wearing of this cap.

I have done some further thought on the subject, have worked out a simple but durable design concept, and believe 1% of the gross sales would be more than fair compensation for the inspiration and concept alone. If the cap were also to incorporate a built in Mini Led Flashlight on the bill, It could generate MILLIONS!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I'm 6'4". Design a better toilet system. After all of these years, noone has improved upon pissing into a fancy porcelain bucket 12" off of the ground. Either that or a cool splash guard.
I have an idea that would be a mist have in every hunters pack......... But I want to be the one to make money off of it. What kind of connections do you have? Maybe we could work out a deal.
I was going to call Primos and sale the idea to them.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I think I'll change my ways of Huntin!

Hikin Ain't been workin out all that Well!

How about a Gun Rest/Holder that hooks on the edge of your side Window and also Hooks on to the Side Mirror!

It'd be Solid and Everybody already knows that TARDS already use this method,why not Sturdy it up a bit?

Every single Hunter in the Roaded Part of the Book Cliffs would be Sportin 2 of them,one out each side!:D

You think you wanna take My Hi- Capacity Magazines & Assault Rifles Huh?
Just Try taking My American Pride/Rights!

It's been a long hard ride
And I won't lose hope
This is still the place
That we all call home
Bessy, you should patent your atv tune up..........

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I have always wanted a gadget that would tell me how close the nearest 190"+ buck is to my location. No specific locations. Just how close. That or a time machine.
good idea it is....

Genghis Khan raped so many women that 1 in 200 people today carry his genes..
>I'm 6'4". Design a better
>toilet system. After all
>of these years, noone has
>improved upon pissing into a
>fancy porcelain bucket 12" off
>of the ground. Either
>that or a cool splash

so you're telling us your pecker doesn't reach the toilet?
>I'm 6'4". Design a better
>toilet system. After all
>of these years, noone has
>improved upon pissing into a
>fancy porcelain bucket 12" off
>of the ground. Either
>that or a cool splash

Just do what Zigga, Eldorko and 440 do...Pee sitting down..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
How about a cheap, good looking 30 year old nympho that would have all my meals prepared when I got back to camp. Come to think of it, if I had one of those along I wouldn't need to worry about ear protection like Sage does, but maybe another type, LOL!
An atv system that will push a 6 foot metal bar out either side the machine so when the machine goes to roll it can be activated (before or during the roll, to either prevent the roll or leverage the machine up and over the rider. Could work on the rear as well to prevent machines from flipping over backwards.

A fire starting system, the size of a credit card, that goes in your wallet, so you always have it, no matter where you are.

Same for a water purifier system, wallet size, always on board.

A roll of the strongest, most flexible, thinnest 150 foot cable (metal or otherwise) strong enough to pull a diesel pickup out of a two foot mud bog, sand or snow bank.

A set of 4, strong, light weight, fold up ramps (you throw in the back of your pick up) that allow you set them on a 18/20" tree that's wind blown across the road, so you can drive a pick up and over.

Reinvent snow chains so there easier to install them than dig your way out of a snow bank.

A light weight set of 150 carbon rods, all connected to each other so they can be rolled out into a 3ft by 6ft'6" flat surface. Lay two quaky/pine branchs (or two) 7ft long on the ground, three feet apart. Place the carbon rod across the two 7 ft branches, it becomes a sleeping pad, more comfortable than a foam pad. (The same idea the Native Americans used for there back rests/beds, made out of 1/3 inch willows.

A rifle sling attachment that prevents your sling from slipping of your shoulder and gives you two free hands while climbing. Must have a relative quick release. Of course it would be intended for thick timber hunting.

Bibs or coveralls that unzip, both sides, from your boot clear to your arm pit.

Insulated golf boots, for walking on ice. Screw in and out spikes.

A belt holster for the butt of your rifle to set in so you can hold the weapon in your hand but put the weight on your hips. Adjustable length.

See want you can do with these and I'll give you ten more.
An atv system that will push a 6 foot metal bar out either side the machine so when the machine goes to roll it can be activated (before or during the roll, to either prevent the roll or leverage the machine up and over the rider. Could work on the rear as well to prevent machines from flipping over backwards.

A fire starting system, the size of a credit card, that goes in your wallet, so you always have it, no matter where you are.

Same for a water purifier system, wallet size, always on board.

A roll of the strongest, most flexible, thinnest 150 foot cable (metal or otherwise) strong enough to pull a diesel pickup out of a two foot mud bog, sand or snow bank.

A set of 4, strong, light weight, fold up ramps (you throw in the back of your pick up) that allow you set them on a 18/20" tree that's wind blown across the road, so you can drive a pick up and over.

Reinvent snow chains so there easier to install them than dig your way out of a snow bank.

A light weight set of 150 carbon rods, all connected to each other so they can be rolled out into a 3ft by 6ft'6" flat surface. Lay two quaky/pine branchs (or two) 7ft long on the ground, three feet apart. Place the carbon rod across the two 7 ft branches, it becomes a sleeping pad, more comfortable than a foam pad. (The same idea the Native Americans used for there back rests/beds, made out of 1/3 inch willows.

A rifle sling attachment that prevents your sling from slipping of your shoulder and gives you two free hands while climbing. Must have a relative quick release. Of course it would be intended for thick timber hunting.

Bibs or coveralls that unzip, both sides, from your boot clear to your arm pit.

Insulated golf boots, for walking on ice. Screw in and out spikes.

A belt holster for the butt of your rifle to set in so you can hold the weapon in your hand but put the weight on your hips. Adjustable length.

See what you can do with these and I'll give you ten more.
An atv system that will push a 6 foot metal bar out either side the machine so when the machine goes to roll it can be activated (before or during the roll, to either prevent the roll or leverage the machine up and over the rider. Could work on the rear as well to prevent machines from flipping over backwards.

A fire starting system, the size of a credit card, that goes in your wallet, so you always have it, no matter where you are.

Same for a water purifier system, wallet size, always on board.

A roll of the strongest, most flexible, thinnest 150 foot cable (metal or otherwise) strong enough to pull a diesel pickup out of a two foot mud bog, sand or snow bank.

A set of 4, strong, light weight, fold up ramps (you throw in the back of your pick up) that allow you set them on a 18/20" tree that's wind blown across the road, so you can drive a pick up and over.

Reinvent snow chains so there easier to install them than dig your way out of a snow bank.

A light weight set of 150 carbon rods, all connected to each other so they can be rolled out into a 3ft by 6ft'6" flat surface. Lay two quaky/pine branchs (or two) 7ft long on the ground, three feet apart. Place the carbon rod across the two 7 ft branches, it becomes a sleeping pad, more comfortable than a foam pad. (The same idea the Native Americans used for there back rests/beds, made out of 1/3 inch willows.

A rifle sling attachment that prevents your sling from slipping off your shoulder and gives you two free hands while climbing. Must have a relative quick release. Of course it would be intended for thick timber hunting.

Bibs or coveralls that unzip, both sides, from your boot clear to your arm pit.

Insulated golf boots, for walking on ice. Screw in and out spikes.

A belt holster for the butt of your rifle to set in so you can hold the weapon in your hand but put the weight on your hips. Adjustable length.

See what you can do with these and I'll give you ten more.
Sounds like you lack imagination and are counting on fellow hunters to give you the next million dollar idea...
I want to be able to take a ##### and not have it stink, can you solve that?

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
The wife gave me the idea, we camp early in the spring and hunt into the winter months. At the camp fire at night, I will take coals from the fire and put them under her chair every so often to warm up her ..... what if you made a a pocket in the seat of a camp chair that held 1 or 2 of those little chemical throw away hand warmers. Don't like being woke up in the middle of the night with an iceberg a$$ in the small of my back . :cool:

"Can the liberties of a nation be secure, when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?"
?Thomas Jefferson
That one already exists. It's the Horn Hunter Bino Hub. And it works awesome!!!

It's all about the good times...

>Sounds like you lack imagination and
>are counting on fellow hunters
>to give you the next
>million dollar idea...
>I want to be able to
>take a ##### and not
>have it stink, can you
>solve that?
>"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>Let me guess, you drive a
>1 ton with oak trees
>for smoke stacks, 12" lift
>kit and 40" tires to
>pull a single place lawn
>mower trailer?

They marketed alfalfa pills for hunters years ago, so their *&^% wouldn't stink. My %$^& don't stink anyways;)
They already have the Guns for Liberals out!


You think you wanna take My Hi- Capacity Magazines & Assault Rifles Huh?
Just Try taking My American Pride/Rights!

It's been a long hard ride
And I won't lose hope
This is still the place
That we all call home
>Yes, i think it is a
>good new idea and a
>needed one too. Not only
>hunters/shooters but any person who
>might have need of occasional
>ear protection would benefit from
>the owning and wearing of
>this cap.
>I have done some further thought
>on the subject, have worked
>out a simple but durable
>design concept, and believe 1%
>of the gross sales would
>be more than fair compensation
>for the inspiration and concept
>alone. If the cap were
>also to incorporate a built
>in Mini Led Flashlight on
>the bill, It could generate
>Joey work outdoors and don't have a "Stormy Kromer" ballcap?
How about somthin to clean up that weeks worth of monkey butt when you still have another week of hunting to do???? Aint enough scent lock to hide that musk! You could call it BUTTBGONE.

How about a life sized CLOWN in a treestand holding some balloons in your favorite hunting spot? Hunters are terrified of clowns. This would have the same effect as a scare a crow in a corn field.

How about a so-called text that shows up on the wifes phone in the middle of the night every night you are away hunting that says something to the effect of: Hey honey, "I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of you and can't wait to be by your side again. Your all I think about when I'm hunting, love you."
You could have a bunch of texts worded different to get you through the whole hunt without ever having to find cell service to "make the call home". Then once you returned home, you would be rewarded greatfully for you thoughtfulness. It's a win win.
A heavy duty brush cutter that attatches to the front of a 4-wheeler. One that can handle tall sagebrush.

>How about somthin to clean up
>that weeks worth of monkey
>butt when you still have
>another week of hunting to
>do???? Aint enough scent
>lock to hide that musk!
>You could call it BUTTBGONE.
>How about a life sized CLOWN
>in a treestand holding some
>balloons in your favorite hunting
>spot? Hunters are terrified
>of clowns. This would
>have the same effect as
>a scare a crow in
>a corn field.
>How about a so-called text that
>shows up on the wifes
>phone in the middle of
>the night every night you
>are away hunting that says
>something to the effect of:
> Hey honey, "I couldn't
>sleep because I was thinking
>of you and can't wait
>to be by your side
>again. Your all I think
>about when I'm hunting, love
>You could have a bunch of
>texts worded different to get
>you through the whole hunt
>without ever having to find
>cell service to "make the
>call home". Then once
>you returned home, you would
>be rewarded greatfully for you
>thoughtfulness. It's a win win.

Hey BlooDTracKER?

Haven't you seen the Chevy/Cell Phone Commercial?

Or was that You?:D:D:D

You think you wanna take My Hi- Capacity Magazines & Assault Rifles Huh?
Just Try taking My American Pride/Rights!

It's been a long hard ride
And I won't lose hope
This is still the place
That we all call home
" work outdoors and don't have a "Stormy Kromer" ballcap?"

No, i never did have a SH, though i'd wear one reminds me much like some flatlander hat marking a newbie from back East. :) I did though, once have a knockoff type that had the fold down from inside ear-flaps. The top was heavy corduroy with a good dose of Thinsulate lining. Got some good cold weather use of that hat but not yet replaced it.

Zigger in post 14 shows a cap similar in original thought to what i envisioned but IMO, way to complex and easy to break. My design is simpler in manufacture, much more durable, and yet even faster to employ, particularly with gloves on... or when excited. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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