NEWS FLASH.....No Joke


I received a phone call from Eelgrass about 15 minutes ago and he told me that an Earthquake hit up there close by where he lives. It was a 6.5 and happened about 5PM tonight.
Steve said that it rumbled through his house and the floors rocked and roll, his big TV fell on the floor and is going into the trash can now. Pictures fell off the wall and a lot of his stuff too took a falling. Even the water in the toilet bowls splashed out onto the floor.
He and wife are OK and said no POWER yet. But he is getting his stand by Generator out so he can have some light in house and maybe watch his old TV.
If I hear anymore from him, I will pass it along to all his friends here on MM.

Wow...thanks Brian. I heard about that and immediately thought of him. I came here to see if anyone had heard from him. WOW.

Hang on, Eel!!
Hope Eel and his family are alright. Sounds like a big one. Thanks for posting Kilo.
We even felt a sharp jolt at our home in the Northern end of Yuba County, and we are a considerable distance from Eureka.
Funny thing is the wife and I are supposed to be in Eureka this Monday, may have to cancel plans.
Cuz you get his guns, and look for the map with the "X" on it that marks his honey hole deer spot. I want that.

WOW - 6.5 is a big freaking quake! Glad to hear that everyone in his household is safe and sound. Too bad about the TV - things can be replaced though! Prayers are coming your way for sure Steve!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
He'll be ok! what if that would have happened in LA or San Francisco? I've been though a bunch and even the 4.0's can rattle ya!(get it?)
just hope he's not going to spend that WY area 102 spec deer tag money for a new TV!


We got power back a few hours ago. A few nick-nacks fell of the shelf but nothing major. I had to make a cocktail and start cleaning up stuff. Eel lives about 3 miles away form my house he should have power by now but not 4 sure on that.

"If it moves shoot it again"

hope all is well there eel,I did do a prayer,god has told me many times something serious is gonna happen in cali,it'll happen in slc too................

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

Me & the Kid were just fishing up there yesterday afternoon.
Only shaking going on was on the end of my line.

Seriously though, hope all is well Eel.
I've been through a couple big shakers.
They are unreal.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! We got power back about two hours ago and we're safe and sound. (Well, the sound part might be a stretch). That was one of the the worst quake I've been through. If it had lasted much longer things would have been a lot uglier. Thirty seconds can be a looooog time!:) I was setting at my computer desk and watching the Jets vs Bengals when it hit. I tried to get up to comfort my wife (who was screaming like a girl) but I fell down, so I just rode it out where I was.

Here is a link to our local newspaper. Our town came though pretty well. Lots of clean up will be going on when daylight arrives.

A photo of a store in town


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
glad to hear you're ok eel,did you think jesus was almost here?

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

>glad to hear you're ok eel,did
>you think jesus was almost
>soon the love in his heart
>will be the rage in
>his fist
>Jesus is coming and boy is
>he pissed

No, actually I thought we were having an earthquake. I do believe that Jesus is always here in spirit and that some day He will return though.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

Glad to see you are all right. We were just kidding about the key and the honey hole map. And I'm sorry I told cuz that your mom was a McCoy.

shake shake shake,,,, steve good nothing fell on your head :) it didnt tear up the house to bad did it? did ferndale get broken up again?
Ransom, you and your Cuz are welcome to my gun cabinet key any time. It will take more than a little earthquake and kersoene to get my honey hole map though.

I took a rubber hammer to my wifes TV (the one that fell out of the entertainment center). I got one channel to kinda work, so I put it back. I thought I was going to have to buy her a new one. Whew! My TV in the computer room is fine!

Some of the sheetrock cracks are a little longer now but that's about it.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I wonder what the mill looks like Eel? Probably a huge game of pick up sticks Monday :)

"If it moves shoot it again"

>I wonder what the mill looks
>like Eel? Probably a huge
>game of pick up sticks
>Monday :)
>"If it moves shoot it again"

Kyle, I was thinking the same thing. When you get there tomorrow, give me a call. If it looks good I'll come in.:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Seniority and Rank have their privileges. Good hear all is well as can be Steve. Tell the boss at work you have to fix some repairs first before coming back to work.


I'm really glad you are okay....but we do have ways to get the info out of you. Cuz and I were brought up with training for the use of kerosene, dynomite, rope, bear traps and long rifles. Just send me the map and cuz will go lightly on you.

Cuz; It looks like Eel is not only alive and well, but is guarding that dang map with his 12 gauge and a load of buckshot. We better back off for now and make a run at it on a later date.
Eel, Cuz and I are glad you and the Mrs. came though it ok with little damage. Believe it or not, we consider your health #1, but that dang honeyhole map is #2 with us.
My wife cancelled our hotel reservations in Eureka so you do not have to worry about me slinking around trying to steal your famous map.

Cuz, I agree, I wonder if slick is related to the slick willie out of Arkansas, or the slick willie out of CA. They do have at lease two things in common with slickrock, their name and being pro abortion.

eel glad to here you and your family are safe. 6.5 is huge and it could have been very serious if it were in a large populated area.

I didn't want to turn this into a Manny bash but Really Manny? God told you many times that something bad was going to happen in Cali and in SLC. Maybe he should tell you to write less and think more. I won't write what I am really thinking about you right now.

Building a ark cuz sombody told him to,I didnt even here about this quake till today glad your ok.
UPDATE: Another after shock hit up there again last night this time a 4.7 to get the residents up and on their toes.

Good to hear all is well up in the Humboldt area. Stay safe guys. I went to Humboldt State in the early 90's and I remember in '92 I think when we had 3 big earthquakes in a 18 hour period. One was 7.1 or so and then 2- 6.6 aftershocks. The first one hit about 2pm on a Saturday when I was working in Willow Creek and we could see the ground rolling, the next one hit at about 10pm when I was at a party and everyone ran outside
the last one hit about 2am when I was sleeping and we all ran out of the complex. That was a wild ride up there. I remember a Prefessor at school saying the area is ripe for some big ones the next 20+ years along the Mendecino Triple Junction. Hang in there.
chap_dog48, you would have to remind me of the three in 1992. I rode those out too. I was ready to move to the desert after three in two days.

This one Saturday was only a 6.5 but it was closer and shallow so it felt a lot stronger.

Here is a video I found on youtube that pretty well sums up the one saturday. Check out the dog at about the 2:20 mark. He figures it out before the people do.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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