New Year resolution



My New Year resolution is simple, to make Monster Muleys a better site.

-to not rag on others for simple things like grammar and punctuation

-to not engage in debates between archery,muzzle loader,rifle,resident,non-resident hunters(we are all pursuers of big game)

-to respond positively to posts regarding animals taken, or keep my opinions to myself

-to offer honest opinions/experiences regarding gear, outfitters, guides etc.

Happy New Year to all.

Nails! I give you till about the 3rd!

How boring!

Might as well start looking for the Martha Stewart website.

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
Here that! Treed
I will try to be more tolerant of the poor guys from the morman republic of Utah! ;)
LMAO, it's still 2010 so I still have time to take some shots, isn't it spelled moron?(sarcasm)

We don't always have to agree, but we can still be respectful of one another. After all aren't we all out to fight the anti's and those that would try and take away our rights to hunt and fish.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-10 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]Here that! Treed
Aaron I am not in the least bit jealous of anything from your craphole of a state! Maybe a little of the monster buck you shot ;) lmao
oh hell mine is not to ever drink that much again!!!!

You got a headache Muzz?

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