New World Record Yellowfin

Wow! I've caught/seen blue and yellowfin tuna but nothing even close to that size. Awesome.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
Awesome catch. That's something that it took him 3 hours to
eventually boat the giant tuna. Congrats on a possible world
record yellowfin tuna.

WOW what a catch, beautiful fish!!!! I caught a 122 lb yellowfin
down here in the gulf of Mexico several years ago and the power
these fish have is amazing. i can't ever imagine what a 400 lb
yellowfin must feel like. Congrats to the angler. Later Baker
Wells looks like us Kona Boys are going to have to see if we can out do them southern Kali fellas. These were caught by Ransom and I this past March out of Kona.
Ransom's 145#

Mine 152#

I don't care, #150 or #400 pounds, those are beautiful fish and i'd love to catch one!!!

I often wondered just how Big those Yellowfins got. Now i know! Thanks!!

I'd settle for a few pounds of fresh yellowfin to BBQ. When I lived on a sailboat we would occasionally catch bluefins and they were awesome to BBQ when they were still twitching.
Still looking for my triple digit yellowfin. That 405lb fish would be pure murder on the back. Love to fish for them every chance I get.
>405 lb. tuna is turtle bait.
>Nothing more.

WOW - Positive proof that Eel is an unethical turtle hunter! You won't find me using bait! I only hunt them by tracking and spot and stalk. I even have a hard time hunting them during the rut, but this is actually when it is the most dangerous for the hunter so I take the risk.

Baiting! Geez - just when you thought you knew a guy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>>405 lb. tuna is turtle bait.
>>Nothing more.
>WOW - Positive proof that Eel
>is an unethical turtle hunter!
>You won't find me using
>bait! I only hunt them
>by tracking and spot and
>stalk. I even have a
>hard time hunting them during
>the rut, but this is
>actually when it is the
>most dangerous for the hunter
>so I take the risk.
>Baiting! Geez - just when you
>thought you knew a guy.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

So, it's nothing but premiere spot and stalk turtle hunting now? Probably guided too?

That didn't take long!

Tell us Roy......excuse ME.....DOCTOR Roy...., what happened to the lettuce flinger???? We all know you had one. It was in the back of your truck!

I bet you had to get rid of it before any of your new friends saw it, right?

So, tell us...DR Roy, did you sell it or just throw it in the garbage with the rest of your old friends?

Amazing what a simple piece of paper does to a man. Sad!!!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-10 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]That fish is the Holy Graii of long range sportfishing. Ever since that 388 fish was caught, people have been trying to catch a larger fish. 300 pound yellowfin are such a rare fish, and 400 was almost a mythical weight that people hoped would be caught, but nobody knew if it'd ever happen.

The father of my son's girlfriend, Stas Vellonakis, is one of the most successful and prolific fisherman in the history of long range anglers. His main quarry is big yellowfin, and while he's caught dozens of them over 200 pounds, I think he's only caught a handful over 300, I'm pretty sure it's only something like 6 or 8 over 300. And that's a guy who spends a couple months per year, for many years, out fishing for them. He's caught tons of yellowfin, but only a few that are even within 100 pounds of this giant.

This fish is way rarer than most anglers would ever have any idea. It figures that a guy who has never caught a 200 pound fish would be the fortunate one to hook and land this monster. It's even more amazing that an angler with a relative lack of experience on big fish caught it on only 100 pound line. For those who don't do this kind of fishing, there is a very big difference even from 100 to 130 when it comes to the durability of the leader. I'd expect he was using a knotless rig with at least 200# spectra and a short top-shot of 100# mono, crimping a big circle hook; but even that rig can't stand up forever. After 3 hours, even a circle hook can wear a big enough hole to fall out if the pressure is relaxed just a tiny bit. This guy did a very good job, and was extremely lucky.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-10 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]Heck, with RANSOM'S BISQUIT & GRAVEY CHUMMING...any big fish is possible out there...LOL


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