New Website Feedback


Very Active Member
Well folks, I need some good quality feedback from you all. I have been working on building my new website over the last couple weeks and need to see how it looks and feels to most people and find out if there are any issues that need to be resolve. If you could help out by taking a look and giving some feed back I would be grateful.

Keep in mind there are some pages of the site that are still needing content. For example all of the snowmobile sections are still blank. I am focusing on getting up the most relevant info first. Also I am aware of and working on an issue I have found with older IE browsers (7 so far) where the layout of pictures and text is jumbled. If you find jumbled pages can you post the type of browser you are using and the version if possible?

Thanks in advance for your help and feed back.
Looks pretty good!!!
Thanks for the response.

When I mentioned some browsers having issues with scrambling pics and text it so far has only been with Internet Explorer version 7 not 7 different browsers. But I am worried that if it is occurring with version 7 there may be others it is not working on. If that is the case please, please post up what browser and version of the browser you are using. Thanks and thanks again.

Here is a link of the two pages that may have some issues in older versions.
I'm using Firefox and it looks good to me.... I especially like the girl on girl porn pop up advertisements...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Either I couldn't figure it out, or you should have scenic pictures of the horseback riding and fishing.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Grant, I mentioned in my post that it is not completely finished. I am getting the most relevant info up first and my primary part of the business is my rentals. My horseback riding and fly fishing will be up this next week.
Looks good check some of the spelling or wording. And send me a free day pass riding ATVS. My fee for proof reading.

Lookin good from here!! I'm not a puter guy but know I have windows 7 and it's only a few months old... but I do think you need more girl on girl porn pop up advertisements!! :) Good call Bucksnort!!


I didn't see the porn....where's the porn?:)


By the way, the smily face is me after looking at porn!
A good friend of mine does web design for a living and set me up and showed me how to enter the content and layout of the site and I took it from there and put it all together. Well, before the site went live I would come back to work on it and find in the rotating flash pictures on the home page pics of half naked girls on snowmobiles in the gallery. He would log in and change them out at night as a joke. Pretty funny. I made sure they were gone before it went live. :)
> Looks
>good check some of the
>spelling or wording.
>And send me a free
>day pass riding ATVS.
>My fee for proof reading.

I am always looking for a good trade opportunity. Any electricians interested? I could use a fence for my back yard. Last year I traded a new furnace and ac. Any offers? ;)
Layout and design pretty good, easy to follow and navigate. i dabble a bit in web/computer stuff. My education was in advertising and marketing and research shows pictures sell. Lots of pictures. More lodging, action photos, stuff like that. Flash is good, the more the better. Movement is an eye catcher. A site is rarely picture heavy to the viewer. i think you got a winner
Site looks great. If you need any help with gateway or merchant service options let me know.

Good positive feedback all. I'll work on getting spelling and grammar issues taken care of immediately. I am constantly going through pages and cleaning things up that I missed initially.


I will add a "gallery" page to each of the sections shortly to give more picture options.

For those interested, this is not a new business. I have been in the business for over 4 years now. I used to work out of a given location that we shared a website. Now that I have moved on I am creating my own.

Again, thanks all for the input. I'll continue to update.

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