New way to bait bears in BC???


LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-10 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p]HA HA! Looks like there are some bears in BC with the munchies! Is this your secret BCBOY???

BC police: Bears surrounded pot

Police uncovered two separate outdoor marijuana crops of about 2,300 plants near Christina Lake, just a few kilometres from the Canada-U.S. border.

The fields of about 2,300 plants were found near Christina Lake, just a few miles (kilometers) from the border.

Royal Candian Mounted Police Cpl. Dan Moskaluk says that when police arrived in the area two weeks ago, they discovered the bears and cautiously went about making the seizure.

He says the bears were docile and obviously were used to humans. They could be put down if they are too habituated to people.

The property's two owners were arrested on charges of production and possession of a controlled substance.

It's unclear if they used the bears to guard the pot fields or just liked having them as pets.

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Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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