
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-06 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]The ram Danny Smith killed with X-TREME OUTFITTERS on the UTE is the new offical state record! On good source, I heard it grossed 197 and nets 195 4/8 after the 60 day drying period. 16 5/8 X 43 16 5/8 X 41, what a HOG!! Pictures will be coming soon.
Now I know why the Ute tag went so high at the UFNAWS Auction! Still haven't seen a picture yet. Post them soon!!!
It is an absolute JAWDROPPER of a ram! Congrats to Dan Jr. Jr.

Here's a tease for those of you yet to see the pics-think Alberta WR........
Anyone got a pic?

Anyone here if NR will get a crack at a rocky tag this year, I have been building NR points with no tags available and hoping they finally issue one.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-06 AT 10:43PM (MST)[p]Realistically Don, you have no chance even if they begin issuing rocky tags. There are several non-res who have 10-13 points for rockies. They amassed most of those points as residents and then moved out of the state. You'll have to wait until they all get their tags, and then I get mine.

And to the comment about $46K in helicopter fees, where did you get that? Are you just trying to start something because you didn't shoot the ram? I talked with someone who knows the Smiths very well, and NOTHING about helicopters being used on this hunt ever came up with him, and he'd know more than you or I would. Quit being a s**t stirrer.
Actually Don, I would recommend that you keep putting in, because those guys who have more points than you in Utah don't have that much of a jump on you. If Utah gives a single NR permit, the top point holders don't get preference. They just have that many more chances. Until at least two permits are issued top points don't get preference, and even then it is only on half of the permits. Almost every year it seems that someone with no points or very few draw.
As for the Record Ram, I too am patiently waiting on a picture of that bad boy. I hope he passed on genes to many of his girlfriends.
Thinking about that guy's comments about the 46K, I think what he probably heard was actually 46". That ram has to be about that long, plus he's super heavy all the way out, broomed off pretty evenly on each side, and HUGE!!!
CA littlebighorn, I am still putting in, and if the day comes when they issue 2 tags I will have a lot of guys ahead of me (for max pnts tag), but I am 35 and prepared to apply until I am 80 or more! 30 years from now I bet I will have max pnts, a long wait but all sheep tags are. By then guys ahead of me will have drawn, given up, gone to the great hunting grounds in the sky, or missed a year by accident. I have studied the number of guys ahead of me on points as NR.

I also have seen a lot of stuff about rocky bighorns in Utah transplants etc. I suspect in 10 years there will be a few NR tags.

Also, my points will help me with better odds even for 1 tag. A lot of guys have the same plan as I do but that is ok.
Don, In my mind "patience" is the name of the application game. It has rewarded me with both a Wyoming Moose and a Wyoming Bighorn. I am also in position to get a Utah Desert tag any year now, but I am 20 years older than you.
And because of groups like UFNAWS and SFW, Utah has a very aggressive sheep program. For sure tags will come available! Good luck!
Little is of last night, there will probably be a new NR tag for Rockies on Rattlesnake. And the herd that was transplanted just a few years ago in Utah County is already huntable!
Don, PM me over on that other website that we've been talking about NM elk hunting on. I'd like to talk with you a bit about this points deal. I think I'm probably one point ahead of you, but not sure and I'd like to know where you got the data about how many points each NR applicant has.

aka elknuts2
It appears from the latest RAC meetings that an NR Rocky tag will be issued for the Rattlesnake/Nine Mile units this coming season. Good Luck!
HOw in the hell do yo mistake 46K in helicopter fees and 46" curls. I guarantee you that the 46K is malicious bullchit! Jealousy and envy has brought down many countries,friendships and marriages.
forty thousand plus is the truth it is not a mistake. Scream and yell all you want. Go to the source and ask. In fact talk to the Ute Tribe. I also heard it at the fish and game office in price when I checked my Desert ram in. Also got it first hand from some other outfitters looking for the record bull that was killed on the books. I take no sides on this one if you have money and can afford chopper time I guess great, I wish I had the bucks I would have liked to look the new Desert sheep unit over before I went.

Mulehound thanks for gettin my back! Tory had some pics of your ram, Awesome!!! I think that may be the toughest sheep unit in the state to hunt! How the hell did you get those mules around in that country without a parachute and a chain hoist?
Mulehound, I too would like to see pictures of your ram and a story. How was that new unit? Sure like to know more about your experience. Congratulations.
Wow! I just pulled my UFNAWS Banquet announcement out of the mail and it has a picture of the new Utah record ram on the front. Predator was right! It looks like an Alberta ram...very long and heavy. What a beauty! Most auction tags might pay three times 46K for a ram like that! I just hope he left some genes in them hills...and I don't mean pants!
Mulehound, you are spreading gossip and you know damn well that is the truth! Get a grip and YOU should go directly to the source and find out.
Hey mulehound, who would be the source? It's funny that there are so many guys that know the "SOURCE". None of the guys that had anything to do with that ram claim ever talking to you about the cost of the hunt or ever even talking with you. What is up with spreading rumors? thought you UHP boys were above that.
CA I just caught this, sent pm on bowsite.

For whoever said there might be a NR rocky tag AWESOME! I am hoping! I will be in that draw!
Hey, just heard this ram was the biggest Rocky killed in North America this year. A Utah ram the gold medal winner, who would have ever thought?
Oh Yeh!
I saw this ram mounted at the Hunt Expo this weekend. Pretty impressive sheep! I also talked to the guys at the Ute Tribe booth and they were all drooling over the possiblities of what that sheep will do for the price of their sheep tags. We'll see?
I have been reading about this ram, where is there a picture posted. I as well shot a nice bighorn in the MT breaks, but would like to see this one???
I took some pic's of this ram at the expo. Would anyone be upset if I post one?
I took a few pic's of this ram at the expo, would anyone be upset if I posted them?
A little help please as I have tried in the past to post but have had trouble. My ram scored 196 7/8 officially after the 60 day period.
Holy fright!!! A ram of that caliber is more than worthy of a post on this sight. I will try to PM kilowatt to see if he can help you post those pics. Maybe you want to start a new strand and tell us about the hunt, etc. I would love to hear all about it.
thanks for the pictures!!!!What a ram, he is most definately showing years of gene passing and with what appears to be some good fights under his belt. Does anyone have full score sheet info? length and quarter measurements?

Dan, I sent you an e-mail just now so you can send me the pictures of your Ram. I will post them for you.

you should now have pictures. Read text and post what is relevant. thank you for your help.

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