New to MM



Hey all just thought I would say hey to everyone. I'm not really new to MM just new to posting. I have read the forums and used the site for years just never got around to posting. Anywho great site and I look forward to putting my hip waders on and getting in the middle of everything when I can.
Hey Sneekee, I think I have seen you on another site known to many of us. Anyway, good to see you make your way over and I'm sure you will add a little more to an already great site.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
SNEEKEPEETE, i'm ashamed of you:)

if you can get past a couple a-holes / liberal/treehuggers, the other 99% are great:) . word of wisdom, DO NOT MISSTYPE ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T 100% DISCRIBE WHAT YOUR ARE MEANING TO SAY- theres a few that will jump on a misspelled word like you just ran over their dog:)
>SNEEKEPEETE, i'm ashamed of you:)
> if you can get past
>a couple a-holes / liberal/tree huggers,
>the other 99% are great:)
> . word
>of wisdom, DO
>MEANING TO SAY- there's
>a few that will jump
>on a misspelled word like
>you just ran over their

Fixed it for you.
MISSTYPE...should be mistype and DISRIBE should be describe......

welcome .....PETE, and watch the spelling...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
Pete, I happen to be wearing a SNEEKEE hat! By chance are we in the presence of greatness? Welcome anyway.

Welcome aboard and hope that you stay and contribute to the site. If someone gives you some "chit", just shake it off like happens alot on here when no hunting season.

ClorideRUS If by greatness you mean a 24 year old Sergeant in the Marine Corps who is stuck in North Carolina but can't wait to get out and head home to Utah where I can see things more interesting than the rodent deer here. Then yes my friend you are in the pressence of greatness.
On that note I can't wait till October rolls around and I can get out of this chit hole and head home for some real hunting!
Thanks for the welcome from everyone else by the way.
>Welcome!!!Be affraid be very affraid... ;)

Or you could just be afraid :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
sneekepete and repete were sitting on a fence, sneekepete fell off, who was left?

sneekepete and repete were sitting on a fence, sneekepete fell off, who was left?

sneekepete and repete were sitting on a fence, sneekepete fell off, who was left?

sneekepete and repete were sitting on a fence, sneekepete fell off, who was left?
Welcome Sneekeepete,

You gotta pick a side now:

300WSM - 300WM
Ford - Dodge (Chevy don't count)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-09 AT 05:39PM (MST)[p]LMAO edlebrock!!!! You boys are pathetic!!! Im tellin you, there is NO side!! See when it comes down to it we are both chicks so that means we are on the same team! Cuz CHICKS RULE AND BOYS DROOL!! WELCOME SNEEK!!! Never, and i mean NEVER take anything me or stinky say to heart. We are just misunderstood. :-( LMAO [font size="22"]

You'll find just about everyone on here are college-educated types... some qualify for the various degrees you can earn, (even if they never attended a college!!)... some have the BS degree, some have the MS degree, and some even have the PhD!! :) !
>It's the PMS degree ya gotta
>watch out for.

Yep, and some just WISH they had a degree in something.

[font size="22"]

>You'll find just about everyone on
>here are college-educated types... some
>qualify for the various degrees
>you can earn, (even if
>they never attended a college!!)...
>some have the BS degree,
>some have the MS degree,
>and some even have the
>PhD!! :) !

What my friend meant to say was in order to post here you must have a PhD or MS in BS.

Oops my bad did I do that :)
Thanks to my spell checker for catching that, You shouldnt post when your tired. ;)

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