New tag sale laws proposed!



There are three bills being presented to the Legislature proposing a change in the laws that would allow land owners to sell their land owner appreciation tags to the highest bidder. In my opinion, this should not be allowed. We don't need to become like Utah or Texas where the wealthy are the only ones that benfit from the most sought after tags in the state. Plus, the person who buys the tag is not restricted to hunt just the land owners property. They can hunt the entire unit. I personally don't believe Idaho should go down this road. Leave it as it is. I'm sure everyone has their own opinions that may differ from mine. If you want to weigh in on the issues follow the links below:

LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-12 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]They already do this now by having the right to give anyone they want the tag and then sell a tresspass fee. The catch is they don't have to stay on any specific piece of property with the tag now. So basically they already sell them to the highest bidder.

Now I think they should have to either stay on their land only or not be able to collect any fee at all from the person they give the tag to.

It's funny how people find ways around the rules. For example, charging people a large fee to take you out and video your hunt for NR hunters on LE hunts without being a licensed guide.

Either way I don't support it. In reading the article, I am disappointed in Moyle being a Star resident so I sent him and email telling him so. Let the rich guys go to Utah and Ariz to kill all their record game.
I don't have a problem with the land owner selling the right to trespass but I do think the land owner tag should have to stay on the private ground it belongs to.
This isn't really going to change much, they already sell their tags. Maybe the landowners think they'll be able to get more out of their tags being sold at auction and having more potential buyers bidding up the price. Because right now you kinda have to know someone to get your hands on a landowner tag. Its not like they are advertised in the classified ads in the paper.

I wonder if the main reason this is happening is so the gov can get their cut. Right now its a cash transaction that I doubt the landowner is claiming as income and paying taxes on. But if the F&G gets involved I wonder if the income will be more documented and the landowner will have to list that income?
I might be way off here, not sure.
Either way it doesn't affect me; I'll probably never buy a tag.
Again they are already selling their tags, we sportsmen get nothing out of it. I would like to see them be able to sell their tag, but 1. Hunt on their own property. 2. Make no wildlife damage claims to the IDFG, ever! This alone would save the IDFG thousands of dollars!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-12 AT 01:57PM (MST)[p]You all have said exactly what I have been thinking. The land owner tags need to be regulated like everything else. Going around the law by charging trespass fees is ridiculous. We all know they do it, yet the law doesn't enforce it. My guess is becuase you have ranch owners in the Senate and Legislature controlling it. That's our government for you!

Hopefully they'll come up with a reasonable law that will make it "fair" for all sportsmen.

Ranchers will get money for their tags no matter what. might as well make it public so we can seea list of whose selling them and how much
>Ranchers will get money for their
>tags no matter what. might
>as well make it public
>so we can seea list
>of whose selling them and
>how much

The landowner tags should be restricted to the land and family in question. No sales for unit wide hunting.
It looks like the commision is against landowners selling tags and sent out a letter to the senators telling them why. Its a good letter with very valid points of why its a bad idea. It gives me a little bit of hope that these guys are for average sportsmen and not deep pocket line jumpers.They still need to make whoever gets a LAP tag sit out the year after they draw wether its a LAP draw or the "real" draw. Everyone needs to follow the link and let ALL the politicians know all these proposed bills are a bad idea. We dont need to end up like our neighboring states!
One of the bills 1283 failed 1282 and 1056 still need sportsmen to contact their senators and reps.

Freedom is not Free!
RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"

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