New Show - "Top Shot"


Anybody catch the new show "Top Shot" on History Channel last night? Pretty freaking cool. A reality/game show based on shooting competitions. Lots of cool guns and some kick-ass shooting. It's a lot harder than it looks!

Stinkystomper - did you send in an audition tape?? Just don't use the video from your elk hunt and I am sure you will be just fine.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-10 AT 12:15PM (MST)[p]BTW Stinky - did you see what rifle that British sniper used to knock out that Taliban fighter to set the new record last month?? (a tad over 1.5 miles!)

Yeah baby - .338 Lapua.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I was pretty damn unimpressed..but thats just me. 30 shots @ a 100 yard target at least 8" in dia = 0 hits, with a spotter no less.. clean misses @ 400 and 600, on large dia targets, high mag turrets and wind flags??

I wont miss it if I never see another one.

as an aside, I know there are some great shooters in the group, but the format is survivor with guns, not who is the best shot. and frankly its a bit offensive for the history channel to call whoever wins " the best shooter in the word"..kind of a joke really.
I get you Reddog - I don't think you will be able to call them "the best shooter in the world" either unless you put them all through all the competitions and come up with a composite score. The voting out and politics will eliminate some good shooters.

And yeah, that was pretty ridiculous that that dude missed that many shots with a Springfield at 100 yards. You would think he would have at least lucked out and hit it once??!!

The other shots with an unfamiliar rifle I can understand missing. It is one thing to miss like that with your own rifle that you shoot 1000's of times and it is quite another to miss with a rifle you just picked up and shot that morning. That being said, I'll bet that dude will not want to show his face around his buddies for quite a while.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I had high hopes for this show but like reddog I was disappointed when I figured out it was like the survivor format of voting each other off...I'll prolly keep watching though...

And yes it would be embarrassing to miss 30 shots at 100 yards...Hell I could have hit that target with my bow if you gave me 20 shots...And stinky may have even been able to hit it within 30 shots....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I was stuck at work last night with nothing to do and watched it. I liked the shooting, but not the Survivor drama. If the guy that got kicked off the show is an expert marksman, I am feeling better about my own skills. The young kid can shoot. I'll probably watch another episode.
Watched it last nite and was disapointed. Didn't like the format and the fake drama. Needs to be like a porno, more shooting, less talking.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-10 AT 05:53PM (MST)[p]Calif_Mike, my side is hurting I laughed so hard!

More "money shots"! LMAO!!!!

The young man can shoot, don't know about the rest.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Somebody needs to teach that girl how to use a spotting scope - soon!

Life is like riding bulls. You're never truly ready ..... it just gets to be your turn.

The kid whipped a reserve Marine "Sniper" I beleive. If I was that Jarhead I'd give up my "Sniper" tab.[/img][/url]
It's starting out dumb and I expect it will finish dumb as well.

They had the perfect opportunity to take 10 people, 10 weapons and shoot for all around score is the "Top Shot".

I guess they need some drama so that "regular" people who don't know chit about shooting can get into the idea of the show.

Any of you guys get a tryout?.....didn't think so.
I actually enjoyed it. i'm rooting for the kid.
But for an hour show they had very little shooting.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
They need to cut way back on the drama. If they did that it will be a lot better show. I will probabaly keep watching though. I wanna see what they do with archery, nobody claimed to know anything about bows. The pistol commercials looked cool though.

I agree, it could cut back on the drama, but thats the way of TV nowadays, and I dont think anyone is gonna hold much on the History Channels version of "the best shot in the world".

But its a pretty cool show when they are shooting. The kid proved he deserves to be in the contest. I set my DVR to record new episodes, so I'll be watching.
Reminded me a lot of that boxing competition show that ran for weeks until one guy was the winnner...can't remember the name.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Who watched last night? I thought it was funny that the "Professional" on the red team was crying about the gun being the reason he wasn't shooting good. He should have went home crying like the drama queen he is, but I guess he is a perfect fit for the show...
I don't claim to be professional with any weapon but I do feel I could compete in this competion and do pretty good.

The zipline looked like a lot of fun!

The Kid (Kelly, 23 years old) is an accomplished long range shooter, apparently he won the 2009 Canadian Fullbore Championship in a field of 300 shooters.

The rifle skills needed were very novice in the first show. I hope Kelly can shoot a pistol as well as a rifle.
last nights show looked a bit more challenging than the first nights but for supposedly being some of the best shooters in the world there should not have been a miss...i think half of the guys i went through boot camp with having never fired any kind of firearm before could have made the shot on the largest tube where that guy missed twice.
I believ I know a few guys that are better marksmans then those guys. What suck is they are saying these guys are some of the best NOT.
Kelly is a shooter with a pistol or a rifle.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I find myself rooting for the plumber, I dont know why.
One of the contestants is a member on and has some pretty cool commentary over there.
Well this week was more of a gimmick than a real shooting contest. Most of the competitors only shot one shot - I mean, are you seriously going to see who is the best shot with just one bullet fired from a Beretta 92F? That kind of sucks and I thought the zipline at the end was pretty stupid too. More like an arcade game than a real competition. So I was diappointed by last night's episode. Hope to see it get better from here.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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