New Record?


Long Time Member
Someone shot this monster whitetail. Could be a new typical record for Wyoming. That's about the only info I have seen about this buck
Giant deer. If it really came from around Riverton, like I have heard, the story will be verified soon. If not, it will be like the giant elk that Casper guy shot last year that really came from high fence and not Wyo.
Could be but I seen a very similar buck if not the same one and the pic I seen said it was from TN.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
The website I seen it on was looking for the guys name to try and.confirm where it came from
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-15 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]Anyone hear anything on this buck yet. I am watching it on a facebook page called whitetails of Wyoming. Its a great page to see all the monster whitetail bucks shot in Wyoming but no info has come up about this buck yet.

it would be sweet if it was a wyo buck but im doubting it. my first reaction was Alberta. shoot by saying that I could of started a new rumor. oops!!

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