New Powerstrokes



I ordered a couple of powerstrokes a while back and just got pictures of the gas fill up area. It appears there is a regular hole for your diesel and another hole for some sort of ether or something. Ford says its the key behind the powerstroke getting 24 mpg. My dealer told me it only holds 5 gallons and is only supposed to be filled up between 8,000 and 12,000 miles. They also said the stuff runs between $5 and $10 a gallon. Just curious if anyone knows what this crap is and where you buy it. What happens if you are in tardville when you run out. Lord knows they don't carry sophisticated liquids in tardville. lol
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 02:43PM (MST)[p]It's for urea...that is injected into the exhaust for emmisions regulations...fill ups are at scheduled oil changes...limps when empty so you need to not run out....24mpg is a pipe dreamers lie. I thought you were some kind of rocket scientist ???

They do run good though.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

well.....the demo I saw at the dealership here they claimed 15 loaded, 21 empty....f250 4x4....and $42,000....I don't believe them. I would place money on 15 empty and 10 loaded. ..We'll see.

If they are correct with their numbers they won't be able to build enough of them.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I for the life of me cant see why a guy would buy a ford. they are just a converted gas loud clanky engin. they suck!

Dodge is where its at!


Nets are for fish!!
>I for the life of me
>cant see why a guy
>would buy a ford. they
>are just a converted gas
>loud clanky engin. they suck!
>Dodge is where its at!

At least they did'nt need to be propped up with my tax dollars. That may be a selling point.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]>At least they did'nt need to
>be propped up with my
>tax dollars. That may be
>a selling point.

that is a good point. government motors will never see another dime from me again. I used to like GM

ford does have a good thing going. Most ford guys don't know how bad fords really are and then they keep forking over money on transmissions ect. This should keep them afloat unless the ford guys get edumacated.
+1 Hardway:)

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
>>I for the life of me
>>cant see why a guy
>>would buy a ford. they
>>are just a converted gas
>>loud clanky engin. they suck!
>>Dodge is where its at!
>At least they did'nt need to
>be propped up with my
>tax dollars. That may be
>a selling point.
>"A well regulated militia, being necessary
>to the security of a
>free state, the right of
>the people to keep and
>bear arms shall not be

Was thinking the exact same thing cuz. I've never been partial to any of the big three specifically other than I buy American. Now I can't see a good reason NOT to buy Ford. What the UAW didn't destroy already will take care of itself in short order now.

Theres plenty of reasons not to buy a ford, ugly, front end is a weak pos, brakes suck and are expensive, loud clangy gutless, rough riding.
Some guys I work with have to drive them for work and hate them. They are replacing fuel pumps every 30,000. Coil springs in the front end are cracking (every truck so its not one bad driver). Ball joints wont hold up. Always have a check engine light. and 6-7 mpg.

I'm still a GM fan, I know it doesnt get any better. Ya it sucks about the money thing but I'm still getting quality products from them. Not one have ever done me wrong or left me stranded. Cant say the same about ford or dodge. I have owned all 3.


So Stinky what did you pay for the ones you ordered. Thanks

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I just picked-up a 2010 F-250 on Sunday. Had no choice, my 2005 F-350 blew the motor, (at only 125,000 miles).
As far as fuel additives, it is printed right next to the fuel gauge, "Use Ultra Low Sulfar Diesel Only".
>Theres plenty of reasons not to
>buy a ford, ugly, front
>end is a weak pos,
>brakes suck and are expensive,
>loud clangy gutless, rough riding.
>Some guys I work with have
>to drive them for work
>and hate them. They are
>replacing fuel pumps every 30,000.
>Coil springs in the front
>end are cracking (every truck
>so its not one bad
>driver). Ball joints wont hold
>up. Always have a check
>engine light. and 6-7 mpg.
>I'm still a GM fan, I
>know it doesnt get any
>better. Ya it sucks about
>the money thing but I'm
>still getting quality products from
>them. Not one have ever
>done me wrong or left
>me stranded. Cant say the
>same about ford or dodge.
>I have owned all 3.

LMAO justr, ask Stinky about his brand new 50K Chevy and how it had to get towed off the mountian when his front end fell apart driving down a regular old dirt road???
200K miles on MY F-250 and the only thing i have done to my front end is the usual ball joint and wheel bearings :)[/IMG]
i currently have a fleet of 2008 to 2010 chevy and gm duramax diesels; we have to keep extra foglights rear view mirrors front bumpers overload springs leafs and door handles on hand for every one; each truck has to have all those replaced every other month due to oilfield roads; dodges were dropped years ago for overall headaches; chevy recently told us they will warranty each issue once then its on us; this warranty issue happened after gm was bot out so now im done with them; the two king ranches i bot sticker at 70k my price is 59k the lariat i ordered for myself is going to cost me 54k and the xlt is gonna cost me 52k n that was a basic 4x4 diesel truck; ford gave me an unlimited warranty in writing and they r the only ones willing to stand behind their truck so i am backwithford
did i also mention that at 18k miles going up a very nice gravel road that my front tie rods split and the axle going into the tire busted in two; i got a repair bill directly from the dealer i bot the truck from for 4500 for repairs; yeah thats right i got zero warranty
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]I hope Ford gets it right this time. I have owned dodges since the 7.3 went away with no issues and I had a 99 super duty that was a good truck and very reliable. Those little Cummins can flat out pull a load and they are good truck and they get great mileage. It's time for me to consider a new truck and Ford will be in the mix but dependability hasn't been their strong suit for a while. For what they're asking for these it had better be and for their sake I hope it is.

Stinky I hope you have a good dealer because anything outside Fords written warranty will fall on them if they agree on anything. Ford has language in their warranty that relieves them of any dealer implied or written warranty for their protection. I've seen Ford buy back a couple of trucks when it was the right thing to do so hopefully if you have any issues the combined power between the two will get you taken care of.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]>Theres plenty of reasons not to
>buy a ford, ugly, front
>end is a weak pos,
>brakes suck and are expensive,
>loud clangy gutless, rough riding.
>Some guys I work with have
>to drive them for work
>and hate them. They are
>replacing fuel pumps every 30,000.
>Coil springs in the front
>end are cracking (every truck
>so its not one bad
>driver). Ball joints wont hold
>up. Always have a check
>engine light. and 6-7 mpg.

maybe I got a good one, but then again, it's not one of the new ones

'99 F350 Powerstroke
262,000 as of yesterday
1 set of Brakes at 110K
1 clutch at 153K
1 set of ball joints at 110K
never touched the fuel pump
not a rattle on it
never seen a check engine light
15.6 calculated mpg, daily commute at 70 mph
Stinky, if you run 38 inch tires on anything its going to break! I work in the oilfield too, in the bookcliffs, everyone who has ever been here won't deny its a very rough area. almost every ford we run is in the shop almost every set of days off and a lot head back in on trailers and the pool truck is my old chevy, 110,000 very very rough miles on it. All I had to do to that truck was replace wheel bearings and the exhaust cause I hit a rock.
Our compressor operators all drive powerstrokes and not one of them is on the original motor.

I'm not going to change your mind, just sharing my experience is all. It seems that whenever a ford goes in the shop its over a grand, chevy has been really good about warrantee work (ya even replacing lights) so operating costs are a lot lower for us anyways.

We used to run dodge but the beds kept falling off. So now its chevy or ford, pumpers choice if the bids come back close in price.


i agree 100percent fords have sucked and wuldnt stay out of the shop thats why i switched to chevy; now that chevy wont warranty lots of stuff im gonna give ford one more shot; im glad im not the only one that had beds fall off a dodge; between that n the tranny probs i will never own another dodge; i just hope the new powerstrokes are as good astheduramax
O this is my kind of discussion...
First of all lets make this clear that none of the diesels Ford, Dodge or Gm are not getting the mileage that we all would expect and that is largely do to all the emmissions that our government is putting the big three. In the attempt to burn cleaner we are burning more fuel than ever. Second, the fact that Gm and chrysler recieved bailout money should'nt effect what rig you buy.. Would the country be in a better economic possition with millions yes I said millions of jobs disolved if they had shut down even more plants??? Why dont you look around and see how much of your food is grown packaged and shipped from the US. i bet you would be suprised at what you would learn. I looked the other day at a new chevrolet and was suprised to learn that over 80% of the cost in building it was in the US. That tells me that our money for the most part is staying here. And that should meen more than anything at this time in our country.

We give millions of dollars each year to help and support those on government assistance and those in foreign countrys but when we give billions to save millions of jobs, there are people freaking out and saying that they wont support anyone that recieves government assistance. That is a bunch of crap. I am not saying that you should buy one over the other, I am just saying to not be stupid to the fact that many of your close friends and family would be effected neg. if one of the big three were to go under. We should support local business.

Third, I live in what we call truck country. Let me say that most of the jobs around here require the use of heavy duty trucks,farming, ranching, mining and Logging yes all of them require a tuff truck to do the jobs, all of them brake down and most of them rarely see a paved road.I will say that Chevys with duremax and allison trany are at the top of of the list of trucks to own, I am not saying that Fords and Dodges are crappy trucks but the majority of the guys are driving Gm rigs.

Keep it american, Thats all I have to say. Slamdunk we all have stories of pulling Fords out of the hills..HAHA
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]We I had a 1995 Ford F350 with 7.3L and LOVED it. Never an issue.

2002 GM with duramax with Alison tranny. Tranny replaced at 1K and 19K! only pulling a 3 horse, horse trailer

2004 Ford F-350 with 6.0L. Biggest POS I ever owned! Towed 7 times and usually on my way or coming back from hunting E. oregon! I bought it to haul my 16K lb horse trailer. Talk about a HUGE tow bill having to tow the truck and horse trailer each time. Ford would NEVER pay for the tow bill because I had a trailer hooked to it! I said isn't that what this truck is MADE TO DO??? Again POS and their customer service SUCKS A$$!

2009 Ford F450 with 6.4L. Injectors out at 2K and 8K 9K...only getting 8MPG hauling!!!!!!!

I've had a 1999 Dodge 2500 with V10 manual tranny for along time (not used much just around the ranch). Pulls like a bat out of hell and is very dependable...will never sell this truck!

My conclusion...the 7.3L ford motors were and are still the best motor out there. All the newer Ford sh!t motors are just!t! Lets see what they do next.

The 7.3 powerstroke is no question fords best crack at the diesel market but it is not a cummins and will never come close as soon as ford and gm realize diesels are better suited in line not in v style everyone keeps talking about 24 26 mpg iv been there since 2002 dodge cummins ho 6 SPD MANUAL TRANS everyone wants an auto and well just keep crying cause it aint gettin any better even with the ford mystery tank .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-10 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]Havent heard that ford was doing that other fuel thing. interesting keep us posted how it works out stinky
Well muleyman,
Dodge V-10's were not bad in their day.
We had one,and I'm just sayin,don't even think you're even gonna compare to a CUMMINS when pulling.
Would'of been real nice if Dodge would'of put a f'n fuel filter on them V-10's,that chicken little filter in the tank ain't good enough & the junk stacks in the top side of the injectors,cost me 3 sets of injectors in 225,000 miles,I finally found a fuel filter approve for higher pressure & never an injector problem again,too bad Dodge didn't think of that,V-10 Heads are cracking sob's too,just a word of advice,don't dual a V-10 out & put glass packs on it,they sound like SSHIT!
If you haven't had a CUMMINS with about 800 ft lbs of torque you only think that V-10 is a pulling sob!

Ok,more on the new Ford Scorpion,
In order to meet stringent new emissions standards next year, the new engine features a sophisticated after-treatment system to reduce soot and oxides of nitrogen. The three-stage system includes a diesel oxidation catalyst, a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system that employs urea injection (similar to Daimler's Bluetec) and a diesel particulate filter.
Wonder what this Catalyst crap costs?

***Just what we need is a particulate filter (that will plug & cost you 1000.00's),I also call the new exhaust systems on new diesels 'OBAMA PIPES'

The Diesel/Auto makers better get their crap together!
For the newer 2008 emissions they had to meet,not one of them,I repeat,not one of them done one damn thing to make the engine run more efficient,but by GAWD they made smoggers out of all of them,smoggers that get less fuel mileage and will cost you money guaranteed! is not a mystery is urea, and all three will have them on the '11 models.


Happy with my 03 Cummins. 205k right now with probably 160k of that pulling trailers. No motor or tranny problems, just typical wear and tear items have been replaced. Good mileage. around 20 mpg when not towing. 14-16 when towing light loads. 10-12 when pulling heavy loads. 8-10 when pulling 15k. I plan on driving it until 400k. Hopefully she lasts that long.
she will because she does it with 1,500 rpm -2,000 rpms
A ford/chev or toyota will get 2,000 to 3,500 plus just driving around getting groceries.


Nets are for fish!!
If it's a work truck just buy it.... write off the interest, write off the fuel, write off the repairs, run the hell out of it then get rid of it and get a new one.
I'm just curious why the price of GM & Crysler vehicles havent dropped after they got a huge taxpayer bailout?

Its the least they could do....

I never liked GM trucks after 2000 because they have no ground clearance, so why anyone would by one for anything other than hauling a 5th wheel is beyond me
They really dont make that much money off of selling the truck. Ya they make a little. How are they to get back on top without a profit?


Well COHunter,
GM had decent ground clearance up until about 1988,ya it happened before 2000
When the new style GM's came out in about 87-88 there were many people around here that wasn't to happy with them,the longer length doors fell right off the trucks,don't know if the hinges were spot welded or super glued (not bolted!) but it didn't hold up!
Last good Chevy I had was an 86 shortbox silverado 3:73 gears & a 4 speed,had a JUNK stock engine in it but that wasn't hard to fix.
GM the last couple of years have put a decent truck on the market again,THANK GAWD!

I believe they've all took their turns at building total trash and building good stuff too!
Ya I agree they have all had good and bad years. Not one of them has had a truck without some big weak point.


I agree
we have 6 trucks and over the past 30y or so we have seen lots of makes and models and had have trouble with some and had some good ones.
"Last good Chevy I had was an 86 shortbox silverado"

I had an '87 (old body style). One of the best trucks I have ever owned.

I am just hoping my 7.3 lasts, there is nothing out there (new) that I have heard anything good about..
Me Too Woodruff..I'm still smoking people out with the a '97 Cummins and a 2000 7.3, Both motors have been flawless, both pull like raped apes..neither are stock! I forget the spec's I'm cranking out of each one,but the Ford is putting out a bit more.

That said, the Dodge may have a Cummins...but its still stuck in a frikken dodge!
Well,As I've stated many times,you don't buy a Dodge cuzz it's perty.
You don't buy a Dodge Diesel because it's a great off-road 4X4.
You don't buy a Dodge thinking it'll drive like a Cadalac.
You buy a Dodge so when you see COPPER BOY or NVB comming up behind you like they think they're gonna pass you in their GIRLIE trucks,you hit WOT and make them inhale,lol!

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