New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.


Long Time Member
New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.

Should be a couple smokers out here. What are your thoughts? I seen some nice rams years back and if this is the first year to hunt the Pilots!! Who has the inside scoop?

RE: New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.

It is my understanding that Pilot Mt has had a sheep hunt on and off for years. Since the mountain sits on the border of Utah and Nevada, the two states have alternated years on who gets to hunt it, depending on population counts. There was a hunt in 2010 for a Utah resident but recent surveys have recorded that this herd is increasing. This year I believe there will be a tag for both a Utah and a Nevada resident. They will both be allowed to hunt the entire mountain. I don't know anything about the quality of rams.
Any sheep hunt is a great adventure. Good luck to you Rutnbuck if you draw!
RE: New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.

+1 Rick

It has been on again/off again for a ling time.

I can remember Mr. Mastronardy taking me and the Mrs out there 'scouting Rams' years ago......some of those bull elk....WOW!

Remote are for sure.

Kelly you could 'camp' in Bendover and drive/hunt out each morning! haha

No way your giving up on BT Ram---are ya?

RE: New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.

BT for sure. I was doing a job in Bendover and seen the Sheep just out of town on the south end of the range. I put in for the elk on the Pilots for years until the drout wiped out half of them. And they cut 1/2 the permits. Then I switched and drew SP I am thinking BT this is the year!

RE: New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.

We will hunt chukars just to the north of Bendover and bump some sheep most every of late.

BT Ram it is for 2013!!

RE: New Pilot Mt, RMB unit. Utah.

they have had hunts off and on since at least 1996.

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