New phone


Long Time Member
I have a blackberry pearl now. I'm looking to upgrade and have it narrowed down to 2 phones. I'm wondering which one is better. The HTC snap, or the blackberry curve.
The HTC is a little more expensive and can do a little more. Is it worth it?

What problems have you had with either one?

I use it for work and really like the pearl but it freezes and I usually end up pulling the battery out and resetting it.


justr_86 here is mine. Get one of these. I've never had a problem.



Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I had two different HTC phones and hated both. I now have a Palm Pre and have really enjoyed it. It doesn't have the selection of aps that the iphone has but it is catching up. It is really good for multi-tasking. That's important for me since I always have at least 17 windows open at any time. It will be the first phone to get FlashPlayer which will open up a ton more access on the net. Good luck.

I had a curve until it got put through the washer. I really liked it. When I am eligible for an upgrade again it will be on the list of phones I will be looking at. What network are you on? If Verizon, I would recommend looking at the Droid. Thats another one I will be looking at when the time comes.
My LCD screen in my env touch just barely cracked or broke...verizon said call assurion and make a claim...assurion said call verizon it's their problem...regardless who's fault it is it's under warranty with insurance so somebody better send me a new gd phone in a hurry!! I'm going to go into a store and try to get the Droid. I don't know crap about those really smart phones you're describing though.

I'm with AllTel and those are the 2 phones that have everything I need without a bunch of stuff I don't. I'm leaning towards the curve since I'm familiar with the software.


I have a Blackberry Tour and love it. Never had any trouble with it but have only had t for a few months. A friend has the Droid and its cool but quirky.
I think this is the best phone out there.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I'm with Big on this issue. I had a Curve for about a year. POS kept taking apperr 823. Freaking icons would go away forever. Verizon replaced 3 phones but I got sick of it & switched to the Tour. Smooth sailing so far.

MMmmmm..Meagan Fox :9


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Meagan Fox is just what this thread needed to liven it up a bit!

I ordered the Blackberry Curve last night. I looked into the tour and the salesman said if your not traveling the world its a waste for you to spend the extra money on it, so I wont spend the extra money. Thanks for your input guys. Anybody wanna buy my Blackberry Pearl?



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