New NCAA rules.....


Very Active Member
Have y'all read some of this chit ???

Points eliminated due to tawnt's...

There's a list of it....DANG....

Some crazy rules coming on.

Score a touchdown, and you better shut up.

I don't think it should be like NFL, but DANG.

I read the new rules the other day on fox sports. It is totally rediculous. When running in for a touchdown they can no longer high step or point the ball at an apponent or the touchdown wont count. They can no longer write messages below their eys like Tim Tebow did. There were a few other ones, but apparently the NCAA wants to take the fun out of playing.
Getting rid of the showboating is fine by me.

Would rather watch a game than those clowns acting like punks.
I'm all for the no taunting, and throwing the yellow flag when necessary, but you absolutely can't take points away for it! The writing on the eye black is kind of a non issue for me, don't really care either way, unless they are telling kids they can't even do the little school logo stickers....

Larry - sent you a PM. Tried to send an e-mail too but it didn't work.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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