New Mount in the house....



Well, My goal was to put 6 Flying/landing pose Geese in my house. After Hanging the First one I'm not sure the Air space will sustain 5 more. I have #1 hanging as of today. the wings weren't dried but I talked my Taxidermist (Gutpile on this board) to let me take it and let it finish drying while hanging in my place. Thus the Wires still under the wings and tape.

Anyways, # 2 is looking good and I should have soon too.

Here is a Picture from the Front part of the living room :


Here I'm zoomed in a Bit :


This is Looking from the Kitchen Area.


Here is just a Closer shot. You can still see the wire and Tape a bit.


MAN I can't wait till next goose season !!!!!





  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
A flock of geese hanging next to your flock of Chamois. I don't get the connection, but I swim in the shallow end of the pool. You are a enigmatic and intriguing figure there Moosie and from what I've heard, not as much of a tough guy in real life as you are a cyber bad-ass here. A real softie!

By the way. Quit picking on the dim-wits. Its like beating up handicapped cyber monkeys who live life without grammatical syntax.

~~If you're going talk smack on the net, Ya might say something you'll regret!!
If you've been smacked around by Moosie, you've been smacked around by the best!!
Great looking display Oscar, looks like you are running out of wall space though.

Send me some upclose pics of them Tahr. I'll be chasing them cool looking critters around the hills in 2 weeks. How do you tell a good trophy size one?
DeerKing, Drop me a PM on MY board when a good time to Call you is. (I have your # somewere but you know how I am :)) I'll tell you what Little I know about New Zealand. I'll also take some Good pictures for ya and Fire them yer way'

I have a Cheesy Short Story on this Link. It was a Site I was Starting but Never finished :) Just like 75% of my House Projects !!!


"not as much of a tough guy in real life as you are a cyber bad-ass here. A real softie!"

HAHA !! I wouldn't say I'm not tough. You might have missunderstood your "CONTACT". Maybe he/she said :

"Moosie is actually a standup guy willing to do what it takes to get things done and Not willing to back down to a Tough situation".....

I can See how you missunderstood so I'll let it be. No need to thank me in the Correction.


RHL, I try not to mix up the Animals I mount, with the Goats and Sheep I have around.... Or is it the Other way Around ?!?!?! Either way, Do you let the Geese Migrate at your Place ?

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
DeerKing, You're actually going a bit Early for a "GOOD" one in My opinion. I think the Best time to go would be in May/June. I went in April (End of) and the Coats weren't good like they Should be. To me the Coats are more impressive then the Horns. My 1/2 size mount length horns is around 10.25" - 10.5" I could get all the Stats but don't know what makes a "GOOD" Tahr for sure. Here are a Few Pics upclose (I'll Email ya Specific ones) :





Although Mine has a Nice coat (Hard to tell by the Pics Here are a Few others that look better :



At any rate, I'll call ya And talk about stuff I can't post on the net Jeff :) :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I wish I was rich enough to hunt New Zealand. I'm not. Free roamin critters in New Mexico on an indian reservation. I sent you an email to elkoholic. Thanks for the pics, very cool.
As my Kiwi Buddies say "I'll Ring you Sat. 'Mate., If ya'r not on a tramp" :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
BFD ? I'll tell you what is a BFD.... My Second year in College I dated a 438# woman. One night things started heating up and I tried to leave but she wouldn't let me. It got to the point where Her socks came off and I saw her hairy toes/feet. They looked like a HOBBIT foot but "supersized". I hit my head on a Cubbard door and was knocked out, but when I awoke I was in the Hospital... I had to.... Well, It is bringing back to many memories, I ... I... I just can't finish.

Bigfoot.... that would be nothing like ol' Bertha !!!!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Looks good Oscar.
Seems you have a lot more room to hang things than I do and it's not because I have many.
Have a specklebelly being mounted right now and I think my wife is gonna freak since it is in the same pose as yours.
Our ceiling height is limited. LOL
Knack, what is a specklebelly, I thought that was a fish ?

Nice one Moosie, you put pork, back in the "Oscar" Meyer hot dog package.
VERY NICE Moosie ME Likes ALOT!!!

"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."
HEY Knack... that wouldn't be you in this Picture with a Spec now would it ?!?!


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Yep, that is me.
Sorry again for the bad quality photo I sent you.
One of these days I will get it right.

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