New motorcycle problem


Long Time Member
I've been wanting a Yamaha TW200 for some time now. It's hard to find a used one, but I saw a 2001 on craigs list the other day.

I went over and looked at it. It's nice and clean with low miles. I gave the guy a check for $1500 and loaded it up!

When I got it unloaded in my garage I noticed somethin odd. It says Honda 250 on the side.

I think the guy ripped me off.

What would you do?


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
>I've been wanting a Yamaha TW200
>for some time now. It's
>hard to find a used
>one, but I saw a
>2001 on craigs list the
>other day.
>I went over and looked at
>it. It's nice and clean
>with low miles. I gave
>the guy a check for
>$1500 and loaded it up!
>When I got it unloaded in
>my garage I noticed somethin
>odd. It says Honda 250
>on the side.
>I think the guy ripped me
>What would you do?
>President Obama and Congress should leave
>gun rights alone. It's above
>their pay grade.

I'd complain to high heaven and insist it's not my fault.

I hate to say it Eel but you may have to get LE involved. I know it's a civil thing, but lately, they seem to flex their muscle and getter done for the underdog. In the future though, I'd take a set of glasses with you and verify the brand before you buy. On a side note, it might not be too late to put a stop payment on that check.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-08 AT 12:49PM (MST)[p]can we please have the name of the buyer so we can destroy his name and drag his integrity thru the dirt?? OH whoops i meant the seller i forgot this wasnt BHWAR ;-)

Wildlife population control specialist
+1 we really need to post his name and number and a photo of this Jack A$$. stop payment on the check as soon as possible, and tell everyone what a dishonest piece of crap he is. oh and make sure you call the Brigham City Police and get them involved.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-08 AT 01:56PM (MST)[p]Well, after thinking about it for awhile and getting madder and madder, I called him. All I got was his voice mail which says he'll be in Las Veagas for two weeks!

I even gave him the benefit of the doubt and took the bike for a ride. It definatly is not a Yamaha TW200.

I put a stop on the check and notified the vice squad.

His name is Johnson. Beware of this guy. What a low life. There needs to be some type of consumer protection out there from people like him!

Thanks for all the support.

This is what he sold me


This is what I wanted


The Yamaha does look a little more outdoorsy. The Honda looks more like a California's bike....oh u r one.
you can have mine for $400.....bring your saw.


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I'll bet you dollars to dog crap he is a corrections officer too. I went on a prison tour once and the guys name was John Johnson I think but he also goes by Vicki.

From the photos it looks to me like the seller must of been making fun of the size of your posterior. Why else would he have a great big XTRA LARGE symbol embroidered on the seat like that.. What a jerk.
Wait a minute you Bozos. I know this guy. His name IS Johnson. Lonn G. Johnson. And there is no way he would screw somebody over. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. Maybe he thought he had a Yamaha. Maybe it was written in Japanese. I say Eel should have taken a Japanese interpreter along to make sure everyone was on the same page. Probably everyone should take their legal counsel along on any kind of deal for just such reasons. I have gotten to where I take my attorney yard saling with me. It's buyer beware out there, man. If you can't read you shouldn't buy a motorcycle.
While you do have a point NV, It sounds a little too much like the good old boy club cover each others back side to me. I bet you give prison tours with Vicki don't you? Explain away why your friend Vicki gets such a kick out of making fun of the size of Eels posterior. He's hurt NV, maybe not the kind of hurt that makes you bleed, but he's hurt inside. Hang in there Eel.
Dear Drama Daddy, this whole thing could of been avoided with a little common sense! there were many times(in my younger years) that i went into a bar looking for a Hot Momma, but when i woke up the next day, she was anything but hot! I felt i was lied too, she misrepresented herself just to sell the product. now even years down the road i am still paying every month with a little thing i call (child support)





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
>I've been wanting a Yamaha TW200
>for some time now. It's
>hard to find a used
>one, but I saw a
>2001 on craigs list the
>other day.
>I went over and looked at
>it. It's nice and clean
>with low miles. I gave
>the guy a check for
>$1500 and loaded it up!
>When I got it unloaded in
>my garage I noticed somethin
>odd. It says Honda 250
>on the side.
>I think the guy ripped me
>What would you do?

Well Eel.. This is your lucky day my friend.. Have I got a deal for you!! I just happen to have this little cream puff motorcyle that shouts Eel... Sell it to you so cheap you will think you stole it...

Seriously glad you were able to out a stop payment on the check so at least you are not out the money and you still have the bike.. so I think you are on the better end of this deal and when and if this jerk returns from Vegas or where ever he went I think he might have some explaining to do. I am surprised he didn't go to the bank as soon as you drove away with the bike.
Remember everything always comes full circle and he will get what is due him.

p.s. I still owe you a few pics from SD.. I didn't download them yet if you can believe it.. Been sicker than dog.. probably would have had to have gotten a little bit better just so I could die.. was not having fun in So Cal..

JB, I would like to come by and check out that bike. Don't ride it until I get there. It is a YamahaTW200 right? You interested in a Honda 250?


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
I'll take it
what do you want for the honda??


"If it moves shoot it again"
>And here's Model_70 riding that little
>cream puff he's talking about.
>I think you should go
>for it Eel.

Awwww shucks NV.. I didn't want to let Eel see it yet.. I wanted to really get him pumped up and let the excitement build..

However I think Eel would look right smart on it.. Why he could even take Mrs. along for rides and have plenty of room to bring along a few kids as well. He could even tak eit hunting, fishing, camping, I mean the possibilities are endless.

Kyle, I gotta have at least $1700. It's a GREAT bike! Let me know.


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
>JB, I would like to come
>by and check out that
>bike. Don't ride it until
>I get there. It is
>a YamahaTW200 right? You interested
>in a Honda 250?

Eel.. Give me a few minutes notice before you get here and I'll get my paint and stencils and by golly it will be a honest to goodness Yamaha TW200 or 300 or 400.. or whatever you want it to be and I'll make it be that.. Such a deal for you...
>Dear Drama Daddy, this
>whole thing could of been
>avoided with a little common
>sense! there
>were many times(in my younger
>years) that i went into
>a bar looking for a
>Hot Momma, but when i
>woke up the next day,
> she was anything but
>hot! I felt i
>was lied too, she misrepresented
>herself just to sell the
>product. now
>even years down the road
>i am still paying every
>month with a little thing
>i call (child support)

Didn't they have condoms in your younger years? I seem to remember them and I'm pretty old.. I could never see any sense in getting serious about things when your just pokin' a little fun..

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