New MM Member



I just wanted to say Howdy as it is my first time posting here on MM. My passion is hunting wild sheep so I thought this is a good place for a first post.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-07 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]Welcome aboard, there are a bunch of us sheep fanatics here.. we complain about never drawing taggs...LOL but we always have fun dreaming.
Thanks for the welcome.
I cant complain about not drawing tags as I've hade my fair share over the last few years.
Welcome, Bryan. Yeah, I'd say you've done okay in the tag department! Thanks for all of your efforts for the wild sheep in Washington state!
Good old Ony Huh!! My son's mother grew up in Onalaska! Welcome aboard.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-07 AT 07:10PM (MST)[p]Oh noooooooo!!!!!!!!! StarBailey is on here!

Let me be the first to tell you there is a small initiation fee. You have to buy RamDreamer and I raffle tickets for Oregon and Washington. Then you can play here. LOL
I think both of you have enough luck on your own! You dont need little ol me to help.
RamDreamer are you going to Tunica at the end of the month?
My wife and I will be making the trip this year. I have mixed feelings about attending but our plans were already made. Walking out of there with one of the raffle hunts would make me feel a lot better about it.

Yes, my wife and I will be there. Good luck on the raffles!

You'll feel a whole lot better about going when the truth of this whole mess comes out. Which I hope it does. It was certainly swept under the rug in SLC.
nmtaxi you already have seen my pic... that yearling was all I could find on my last trip... I'm going to give him about 7 more years and then go back and bring him home...

See you in Tunica! Imagine how lucky I feel to have the convention in my home state of Mississippi!
While you gents are there in Tunica, maybe you could find me a good reason to support a law suit against myself! (instead of supporting sheep on the mountain?)
That is my feelings about the situation right now! But as RamDreamer said, I'm sure there is a lot more to the law suit than what has been let out. I hope for some more answers in Tunica.
No matter, I'm looking forward to the trip.

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