New MM Low


I hope with the upcoming hunts things get better here. Wiz is posting personal chitting problems and many are jumping in with stories to. NO offense Wiz I LMAO !!

Then I recall a picture of a toilet with shard in it?? WTF???

Good luck to all on your upcoming hunts and be safe.

Utah archery is here and I am excited as he11.
They took all the fun stuff away from us. Now we can only post half naked women so we half to tell stupid sh!t stories.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Chittiest posts are my poll post and wiz sharted post. Disgusting but theres no way you can read them without laughing!

I have a shart story, also but a story about my dear Mom is better and makes me laugh every time I think about it. She past away some years ago so maybe she can't get even with me for telling it. My mom and day were traveling up in Canada. Mom got hit with the need to "go". They came upon one of those double door outhouse along the roadside. She went in one side and settled in. Just then she heard the door shut on the adjoining cranny. Some guy got comfortable over there and cut loose. The crannies were separated by a wall but the holding tank wasn't. Then he cut lose, the force and impact of what he was depositing created an explosion that splashed up on my poor mom's backside. She came flying out of there, running back to the truck. They had to get the camp gear out and heat up some water so she could clean up.
TAG- It looks like the girl in the first pic has a load in her pants as well.

Jason- Have a good hunt!

Chit water/pee splashing up on your backside from someone elses bomb.....GROSS!!

T&A Inspector
Wis, The first pic is Jessica Alba. Seeing's how She recently gave birth, You are correct about the load in the pants.

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